VN - Ren'Py - Our Red String [Ch. 12.3 FULL] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    [Version Reviewed: Ch. 11 Alpha]

    What I liked about the game:

    + Story: I've been following Our Red String (ORS) for at least two years now. I love how Eva has crafted a wonderful grounded tale about people living an average life while chasing their dreams and ambitions. Sure, there is some manufactured drama every now and then, but ORS manages to make the players feel invested in the lives of the dual protagonists (Ian and Lena) and the people surrounding them. This is an excellent slice of life story.

    + Art: The art has improved massively in comparison to Eva's last game. I know that most of it is done by tracing the models from porn pictures, but it manages to retain it's uniqueness. I do wish that there more diverse range of body types on show, but it's an excellent art work nonetheless.

    + Writing: The game's writing is top notch. Yes, there are occasional spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. But, it doesn't bother me too much. The writing in the erotic scenes are extremely well-written and I can't help but be hooked by the descriptive manner Ian describes his scenes. Lena's narration is more simplistic and I feel it suits her character more as Ian probably can articulate his thoughts a lot better.

    + Re-playability: This is where ORS can be considered as the best in the AVN industry. It's amazing how many branching paths Eva managed to write in GGGB. It seems that ORS is going to go beyond that from what I've seen so far. So many paths and variations. So many saves required to play all the content.

    + Stat System: The stat system can be annoying to some players and I'm glad that the game offers a way out by giving them an easy mode or a cheat mode. Personally, I enjoy the Story Mode as I love how the game restricts our MCs based on their past actions. It punishes them for stacking up way to high in one stat as well as not improving their stats quickly enough. A great way to improve the re-playability as well.

    What I'm indifferent about:

    = Music: The music suits the game. But, I think more vocal tracks could be included.

    = Characters: This is a category where I'm torn on whether I should put it in Good or Neutral. I think the cast on Ian's side is pretty good. We have Perry who is a NEET, but improving a little during each chapter. Allison who is a yandere, but a loveable one. Emma who is like one of the boys. Holly shares an equal importance in both paths. Lena's path is filled with people who either are poor friends to her or wish to use her. I think the characters on her POV suit the corruption route a lot better. I wish we had more characters who support her more (like Ian and Holly). Perhaps, the parents? Idk it's close to a girl vs the world scenario.

    = Romance: I think the romance between Ian and Lena is great. But, I dislike how our MC's always finds a fault or three when they are not in their canon path. I understand that the MCs suit each other better, but it shouldn't come at the cost of putting down the other relationships.

    What I think should be improved:

    - Animations: Animations are pretty basic all things considered. I think it could be improved and there are examples of some 2D games recently managing to match the levels of 3D games in animation quality. ORS' animations feels a bit dated.

    Overall: I think a rating of 7.5/10 is fair. Perhaps, it's due to the fact that the game encourages us to choose the canon path (Ian - Lena) so much that I do not rate it a star higher.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game should be the number one game on this site; it is without a doubt the finest game I've ever played. The visuals are fantastic, the plot is amazing, the music is soulful, and the scenes are seductive; nothing more can be expected from this game. One issue I have with this game is the branching; it appears to be becoming a bit too difficult with the number of characters, but other from that, it is a flawless 6 out of 5 game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It has very good coloring

    It has a very good stage design

    It has a good script, but more attractiveness and variety should be created

    If it has more and smoother animation, it will be great

    Also, it would be great if the number of sex positions in each sex sequence increased

    There is little or no diversity in sexual orientations (it would be great if it could be changed, both male and female and shemale).

    The variety in the age of the characters (middle-aged, old and young) and sexual interactions would be great if they were more and wider.

    And the final point is that

    Unfortunately, in all games in this format, less attention is paid to the body sizes of the characters and most or all characters are made with a fitness body and have a normal body.

    If someone may be fat but have a large penis

    Or on the contrary (variety of sizes is very small), if more fat or average and normal characters are added, it will be great.

    It would be great if the pubic hair had more variety or customization that anyone would like to add or remove on any character.

    translat by google
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit.

    I'm not sure what else to say. I normally, greatly, prefer the more dynamic AVNs. The 3D software allows a more cinematic presentation (so not a massive fan of J-AVNs), but this is so utterly exceptional that I think it is by far the best of its type and belongs in the upper echelons of all AVNs.

    The characters are, mostly, very well realised. Even the tertiary characters who serve "roles" are more than the simple trope they embody. There isn't much in the way of plot, it is a straightforward slice of life, afterall, but there are some compelling conflicts brewing.

    The art is stunning. It is so beautiful, crisp, and colourful that it puts all other 2D AVNs to absolute shame. Most importantly, the sex scenes are otherworldly erotic. They may include a quarter of the number of renders as a 3D AVN lewd, but the scenarios are just beautiful, arousing, and sensual. Some do feel like filler, but the majority raise my skin temperature just looking at a single piece of art.

    Lena is now my favourite AVN character, I love her design, it is just so beautiful. I feel like a complete weirdo that a single non-lewd image of her is more arousing than any porn I have watched in years. I haven't crushed so hard on a drawing since an anthropomorphic rabbit, in a kids show, when I was four years old. Her "whore route" is gut wrenching to play (as a person for whom Ian is basically a self-insert - if you add a small touch of Holly), but Jesus Christ, those scenes!

    I love the developer's art and look forward to supporting it through development and whatever projects they work on after.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game even in its incomplete state is one of the best I've ever played. All the characters, even if caricatures, are multi dimensional and complex. That's not even getting into the myriad different combinations of relationships and outcomes. Very much looking forward to future chapters and how this all wraps up.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is fantastic, erotic, interesting and addicted.
    Este juego me encantó, la trama es super interesante, los personajes son increíbles y las decisiones que puedes tomar te mantienen siempre alerta.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Our Red String [v10.3 Ch. 11 Prologue] Rating – 3.5*

    Great Artstyle
    Characters look great
    Character Customization
    Characters with different personalities
    Great writing
    Decent Sex Scenes
    Two MC´s (Male and Female)

    Lack of more unique Sex Scenes
    Stat System can be annoying

    Paths are difficult to follow
    limited and confusing choices between characters (who you want to be with)
    Character Relationships are weird
    Some routes are uninteresting and hypocritical
    Some Side characters are uninteresting and unlikable


    I followed this game since the beginning and played the latest version recently, once with the normal version, and with the In-Game WT version.
    It´s a good game that looks really nice, is well written, with beautiful artwork and many somewhat interesting Characters, and a male and female MC, which is quite rare in these kinds of games.
    But there are some issues that really pull you out of the immersion.
    The game feels pretty strict on whom you want to be with, and the paths are difficult to follow at times.
    Sometimes one door opens while the other one closes, and that can be really confusing when you want to be with one girl, and that path ends out of nowhere, because the choices are not as transparent.
    Having one male and female MC is a cool gimmick, but the relationships between all the characters feel kinda unrealistic, where everyone is cheating while still having a love interest.
    This is why the game feels less like a dating sim and more like a corruption sim, which kinda disconnects you from the story.
    That being said it´s a very ambitious game after GGGB that is better in some areas and worse in others.
    I played with the idea of giving this game 3*, but there are things in this game that are really well done and it will be interesting to see how the game continues and will continue following the game's progress.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Played v0.10.3
    Another hit VN from EvaKiss.

    + Top 5 for me on writing quality

    + Top 5 for me on story & characterization

    + Choices do matter!
    Meaning plenty of additional playthroughs to unlock different scenes.
    Even when using the "cheat" mode of max stats at the start, your choices determine what you will or will not see each playthrough.

    + Art is fantastic.
    When I first played Good Girl, Gone Bad, I wasn't sure about the art, but it quickly got hold of me and did not detract from the erotic/sex scenes. That is the same here. I'd argue that models like Cindy , Lena, and Minerva are even better.

    + Fap-alicious! I love the build-up and eroticism.
    Some kinks in here too.

    > Only thing I'm looking forward to is an expansion/escalation of kinks and girl slutiness. Some of which is hinted at based on since Lena's fantasies might include Domination and/or public sex; but no hint of gangbangs, humiliation, pissing, foot fetish, S-and-M or whatever other "common" fetishes there might be.

    Lots of future options that aren't there yet but could eventually show up.

    + I wasn't sure about the UI at first, but instead of trying to implement a phone app, EvaKiss simply put everything extra (checking character points/status, etc.) under one single menu. it works well. And I can give a description to the saved game files.

    EvaKiss for sure makes content that is quickly overtaking my Top10 VNs by making one hit after another. Well worth supporting or at least checking out.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my fav games on this site.
    It has everything from Romance to Cheating to crazy awesome characters and wonderful music.
    The only problem I have is the rework and since then slow update.
    But still worth 5 stars.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Even better than the first game, Good Girl Gone Bad, with a more interesting story, very nice graphics and a very nice universe.
    This is my favorite game here... with a little crush for Cindy and Holly.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I had to write a review, since I have seen some other people giving the game bad scores over things, that are simply untrue. No idea what game those people played, but it was not this one. The game is absolutely amazing and in many ways an industry trailblazer. It has a ton of sex scenes and great build-up to them, without in any way feeling dragged out. If there is currently a 10/10 adult game in active development, it is this one.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5692790

    This game feels like a dating sim, the writing is excellent, characters are beyond 'one-dimensional'! In fact, the characters are very engaging people [excluding a certain ex-boyfriend] and I found myself being immersed into the universe. You can tell that this game wasn't developed from the perverted mind of a one-handed teenage typist...thank goodness. Inciteful and descriptive, the writing eloquently portrays what is happening in each of the protagonist's minds.
    It's not perfect, but this is a solid 4 of of 5!!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a review of v0.10.

    Our red string is one of my favorite games discovered on this site.
    I played the last game from Eva, Good Girl Gone Bad, and you can clearly feel the same touch on this game but with everything improved.

    The dual main characters feel unique and most of the supporting ones feel that way too.
    There's not much bad to say about this game really.

    The art is good, the story too, the characters are interesting and the animations are well made.
    The stat system is a nice addition, I feel like it resonates with how Ian and Lena developp as people over your playthrough(s).

    There's also good replayability with the story branching quite a lot.
    One of my only complaints would therefore be that there's no official walkthrough maybe haha.

    Overall a great game from a diligent dev.

    I recommend you try it out ! (y)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Our Red String is a pretty awesome visual novel. The 2D drawing style is beautiful, and the characters are so well-designed that they practically leap off the screen.

    But what really sold me on the game was the way the characters interacted with each other. They're all so fleshed out and realistic, and their dialogue is incredibly well-written. I felt like I really got to know them over the course of the story.

    And speaking of the story, it's super immersive. There are a ton of choices to make, and many of which have a significant impact on how the story unfolds. It's one of those games that you can play through multiple times and still discover new things which is rare.

    I must give a shoutout to Holly, who is definitely the best girl in the game. Holly is best girl? Wanna fight about it? She's shy, sweet, and totally loveable - I mean, who wouldn't want to romance her?

    Overall, I'd definitely recommend giving Our Red String a shot if you have not yet played it. The characters, the story, the choices - everything about it is top-notch. It's definitely one of the best games on here.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Our Red String is a look into what peak porn visual novels can be. Eva Kiss has followed up Good Girl Gone Bad with an even more ambitious project that they are currently knocking out of the park. Everything about this game is superior to almost every porn visual novel you'll play.

    The writing, art, and game design are incredible. It's hard to balance two protagonists and make almost all choices feel meaningful but Our Red String accomplishes this. I currently have three different saves just to go through all the different routes.

    There's no negatives for this game. Sure, the updates take longer than they did for GGGB but the quality of the art and writing is so much greater that it is one hundred percent worth it. I highly recommend Our Red String if you haven't played it before as it has a lot of content even though it isn't completed.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Eva Kiss is an amazing editor. Eva Kiss's work, the characters and story are well built, they feel all authentic and charming with their unic personalities.
    Graphics are amazing, love the evolutions between Good Girl and this one, this is another level. Would like more of this, I'm a fan right now
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    So, just got this game, just started Ian's Chapter 5 and I'm saying it now.

    This game exceeds GGGB by a long shot, and that's a great game itself.

    Art is better. Characters are better. Gameplay is better. Story is better.

    Eva, you've made one hell of a game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    so fucking good, I loved Good Girl Gone Bad, this one is even better. Our Red String improves on many things. The art is certainly better and the story is more personal. Also, where the characters in GGGB were still a bit shallow and stereotypical in their personal development, all this changes in ORS. This might be the best game on this site.
    It has a very unique art style and solid dialogues.
    Decisions matter and the characters and story develop with your choices. The writing is solid. A few spelling errors here and there. Nothing major. Just stuff I imagine would have been caught with a proofread.The girls are hot.

    Support her if you can.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    really good story line keep your on your toes one of my top 10 storys yet slow/ med burn loves it cant wait for the next update would highly recommend and the story is super long seems like alot of time and though went into this
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I only rate the game I really like and this is one them.
    The relationship in this game feels so wide and connected, which makes me consider my choices, not just click aimlessly.
    Some of the dialogue is quite smart and funny, though I still have to skip quite a lot of them when I know the story and can roughly guess what the characters are talking about.