
Jan 16, 2019
Can someone tell me how to put window mode from outside the game, please? Don't ask me why, but if game starts in full screen it crashes before I can go into settings, so I absolutely need window mode.. Thanks in advance!
decompile the game, open options.rpy , change
default preferences.fullscreen = True


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
Then you clearly haven't read Lena's thoughts, she definitely knows it's wrong but does it anyways. Ian does the same if you go down the same path with him. Only difference being he is more whiny about it.

To be clear though, I'm not saying you have to like it. If you like it or not is entirely up to you but whether you like something or not does not mean it's bad writing or a mistake that should be corrected.

I don't like Robert but he fits his character well, same with Axel and Seymour. Are they badly written characters? No, I just don't like them.

So my issue isn't with people thinking Lena is a hypocrite for not acknowledging her wrong doings, it's with people saying it's bad writing when it clearly is not.
It is, because she doesn't once even acknowledge it in her internal thoughts when thinking about Ian and Holly. That is not natural for any human, regardless of their morals. Actually, less bad writing and more that a second script option should have been implemented to trigger depending on Lena's previous choices. As is, there's just one default reaction used that doesn't take into account any of Lena's previous choices if she's in a relationship with Ian and he at least kisses Holly. Eva's accounted for these things in the past but has had trouble with this chapter due to the unmanageable amount of branching. So where otherwise she's usually had alternate text for various scenarios, this time she missed it.

Regardless of the Lena you've crafted with your choices, some sort of reaction there is required, even if it's a petty, deflective thought in her head where she acknowledges what she's done but reasons her way out of it. If this were a story where you never saw the characters' internal thoughts or a story where her thoughts were often highly erratic (indicating some sort of psychosis as we as the viewer see her often lying to herself or never acknowledging past actions) then it might make sense. But this breaks the internal logic of the narrative style Eva has displayed throughout the game and is out of character for Lena regardless of which Lena you've crafted by your choices. Anyone who's done a lot of writing or at least a huge amount of reading will understand this, as I'm sure does Eva. She just missed a major one this time since she has so much to work on.

TLDR: This is a case of Eva trying to wrap up many different paths and struggling along the way. As she's said, she's had a lot of problems writing this chapter and isn't entirely satisfied with it. This was just one of those missteps that got past her.
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Mar 29, 2019
interesting, so if ian and lena both choice love route in their part, and ian only had sex with ashley and holly and for both of the time he told lena the truth, lena will not 'break' with him, their relationship will still be a heart icon and lena will not tell herself at the end of 0.8 'i don't care what ian think, we are not excatly togather' and the game will end at a point where lena's dad calling her.
So, there will be a trio route of this game as it seems.
The reason of break up is not because of cheating, it is because cheating with 'wrong person'. impressive, VERY impressive concept.
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Jun 20, 2017
I have always thought that there’s something very fishy about Ivy, and as some of you have been discussing her attitude towards Cherry fires my spider-sense. But I think there’s also another strange thing in this chapter (if I’m not missing something): she doesn’t tell Lena about IanxCindy, even if she knows she might be falling for him…

Not everyone is a blabbermouth Perry’s style, but shouldn’t she at least hint something to her BFF? Or am I reading too much into that?


Apr 8, 2018
Yes, you are correct about that. Robert is an elephant in the room during that conversation. It would make sense for Ian to mention her seeing him at least in the situation where Lena accuses Ian not only for messing with Holly's feelings, but also because she feels hurt by Ian's "cheating" (lena_ian_love dialogue). Even if she broke up with Robert afterward, Ian doesn't know that yet. If she did break up with Robert, then I perfectly understand Lena's frustration, because she was willing to ditch her boy-toy for Ian, but then he turned out to be just like any other guy (if he in fact slept with Holly). But I totally understand Lena's reaction if she's not in love with Ian or if Holly kissed Ian. Holly is a gentle soul, in love with Ian, and Lena doesn't want to be the one hurting her, even indirectly so she chooses to "step down", at least until Ian and Holly figure it out between themselves, just like Cherry does when she learns about Alison's feelings for Ian. But I don't understand such a massive drop in their relationship regardless of their status, implying that there's more to that than her protective feelings for Holly.
I have to say I have never seen the "Cherry stepping down when she learns about Alison's feelings" Part. How do you get this Scene and does this mean Alison told Cherry she has feelings for Ian or how does this play out?

Sorry just catched my Eye while readng your Post and I realized I have not seen this Scenario yet :D


Active Member
Sep 11, 2018
Gotta wonder, am i the only one who doesn't much care for neither Holly nor Lena? Like, i don't know, Holly just feels blander than any other girl, and Lena is just surrounded by so many creepy shits and major assholes that her route just feels like a trudge through muck on a replay. Doesn't help that Alison, Cindy, Emma, Cherry and Minerva all get better scenes out of Ian, imo.

This to say, that Lena being the main girl and Holly being written like one are probs the two major factors that make me care about the drama.
Yeah, I find Lena's path boring for the time being. It feels too much like a GGGB rethread at this point in the story because most of the characters she meets on her path act like creepy fucks. You have Robert, who's very dull and unlikeable and threading the blackmailer line; Stan, the token nerdy incel-type perv; Seymour, the rich, immoral douchebag; Ed, who seems on his way to become Arthur-lite; Jeremy, the walking black guy porn stereotype, etc.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
Umm... I have no idea how to do that.
Download the file I attached, unzip in the same folder as the .exe file you launch the game with, run the unren from there, choose option 1, once it finishes hit enter to exit unren, then go into game subfolder and follow the instructions you already have. Use notepad to open rpy files. Change that flag mentioned from True to False. Save changes. Try launching game again.
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Jun 20, 2017
There are a lot of threads to account for, so the occasional inconsistency is expected. But this is the first major one that affects at least 50% of playthroughs...
I guess you’re being hyperbolic there, but if that’s not the case please consider: this doesn’t happen in any non IanxLena route, nor in any route where Ian goes (pursuing Cindy or not) to Wade’s party, nor in any where he goes to the fair but remains “faithful”, nor it has an impact if Lena is the one that has been “faithful” all along (as then her reaction I think undeniably makes complete sense). So...hardly 50% of the playthroughs, in my opinion, much much less.

Anyway, got to play it and this is my take on it (not that it matters much, lol):
  1. Ian should probably have the option to call bullshit on Lena if he knows about Robert. Only problem is the initial dialogue takes place while controlling Lena, so doing it by default (or even tying it to other variables or stats) could feel like imposing playing that card on the player. I’d still go with it.
  2. Personally I’m fine with Lena clearly having a double standard regarding her own “indiscretions”. It would also have been fine if she at least acknowledged she’s been doing the same, yeah (could perfectly live with a small change in that regard), but I think that kind of Lena has shown before that she can be quite selfish and hypocritical, so… no that terribly out of character imho
Nope. Lena could be played as an otherwise good person who had a few missteps. Doesn't matter. It's always 100% the same text in her reactions to Ian/Holly. Honestly, even a sociopath would have some internal dialogue acknowledging that, so this is really just a major writing flaw, likely attributed to lack of development time.
I think this is what set us apart regarding the issue. I wouldn’t characterize as mere missteps that Lena, while supposedly beginning a relationship with Ian, goes behind his back an makes Mike cheat on his GF, and/or fucks a co-worker that’s been in not one but to fights with him, and sucks the cock of a friend of him in front of his girlfriend no less. Those are not missteps, it’s pretty shitty human behaviour, at least in my book. And I’m not that surprised that someone that has done all that doesn’t stop to contemplate her own faults, especially when riled up and feeling (in a very entitled and selfish way) betrayed.

Just my opinion though, and I understand how other people can feel Lena should address the issue at least internally, even if just to think “I don’t care I cheated on you, you don’t get to cheat on me with Holly".
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Lord Bradley

Active Member
May 28, 2019
Download the file I attached, unzip in the same folder as the .exe file you launch the game with, run the unren from there, choose option 1, once it finishes hit enter to exit unren, then go into game subfolder and follow the instructions you already have. Use notepad to open rpy files. Change that flag mentioned from True to False. Save changes. Try launching game again.
Hmm there is only rpyc file not py file with options. And rpyc file when opened with notepad just shows gibberish.. any ideas?


Oct 26, 2017
Hello everyone, thanks to all who contributed to the last 30 pages of discussion, you guys filled my morning while waiting for class. I'm not planning on playing the new version (staying strong resisting for more updates) but was the owner of the room with the dolls and the old dresser revealed in the end?
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Jun 20, 2017
Upon replaying the last chapter, I think for Lena/Jeremy, it escalates a little bit too quickly in Chapter 8. I think that Lena going into the room is a totally fine option but I think there should be a little bit more going on establishing things between them before that.
Agreed. The scene is hot but it could be hotter with some more teasing and back and forth. A missed opportunity to make the scene really shine (I'm trying really hard to not make a truly bad pun), imho.


Dec 30, 2019
Hello everyone, thanks to all who contributed to the last 30 pages of discussion, you guys filled my morning while waiting for class. I'm not planning on playing the new version (staying strong resisting for more updates) but was the owner of the room with the dolls and the old dresser revealed in the end?
I think you're talking about Stan's room?


Mar 26, 2020
I feel a lot of people are just missing something obvious about Lena's reaction concerning Holly/Ian.

She's jealous. Of Ian. Because she wants Holly too. She might not be ready to admit it to herself yet tho. Of course she's a lil hypocrite. Guess what ? Most humans are. Combined her jealousy with her insecurities (is Ian another Axel ? Is he gonna crush her trust and feelings yet again ?) and you get her reaction to that story. Regardless of her own flaws. You can't expect someone to be totally rational straight away, it's highly unusual in those situations. She might come around in the next updates.

I'm pretty sure it's something that has to happen to get the Holly Trinity anyway. Some kind of fallout, some action with Holly, then at some point something or someone pointing out how hypocritical she has been with that situation.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2020
Hmm there is only rpyc file not py file with options. And rpyc file when opened with notepad just shows gibberish.. any ideas?
Not sure, I assumed by the earlier instructions you would get a options.rpy file. rpyc files are still encoded and not sure how to edit them, if possible. I have only ever edited rpy files, as needed.

Lord Bradley

Active Member
May 28, 2019
Not sure, I assumed by the earlier instructions you would get a options.rpy file. rpyc files are still encoded and not sure how to edit them, if possible. I have only ever edited rpy files, as needed.
Well thanks anyways, I give up on this game, dunno why it is made in such a weird way that you are forcefed fullscreen.. I managed to get into setting by disabling Open GL or something but you can't even change to window mode within the game, total bs... It's a shame it does look like a nice game, but yeah.. Some won't be able to enjoy it.


Jun 20, 2017
She does tell Holly she moved to the city 2 years ago in the park. That doesn't make much sense though. She met Louise 4 years ago at college, that would be when she started college. So she studied at the college in the city. Why would she commute 'a couple of hours' while studying and then move to the city when she leaves college? It would make much more sense if she moved to the city 4 years ago.
I guess you have noticed but there's news regarding this and you were right: it's been retconned (in chapter 3) to make Lena move into the city when she enrolled college. In this chapter Lena explains the whole timetable better to Holly.
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