
Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Hi, two questions:

  1. In the new Mike scene, Lena has only the option of letting him leave after sex. I assume there are other options for other paths, right? Which? And what are the conditions for them?
  2. In the scene at Ivy's house in the last chapter, the option "I'm willing to help" for sex training of Holly is disabled, although Lena is a slut and has lust 8. Is that normal or a bug? Is it really possibile to have a lust higher than 8 at that point? (IIRC, in the alpha version that option was active and I did all the same choices).
EDIT: I confirm that there is a BUG in the final version. Option "I am willing to help" for lesbian scene with Holly at Ivy's house should be active with lust 8 for Lena. In the alpha was that, and I think it's logical to be so.

Not everything is stat related. Some choices affect your possibilities. If you can't join Ivy and Holly, it means that:
1) Your Ian is dating Holly or
2) Your Lena is dating/hooking up with Ian.
These conditions prevent the choice.
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Feb 5, 2021
Just played chapter 8 for the first time. Really great episode, and it felt a lot more complete than the last one did.

Despite me seeing many things I couldn't do .... dammit. Though I also like the addition of showing the things you can't do. Really provides good incentive to go down those other paths.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
Making Ian appear in front of the error from the start would make it too obvious and would kill the joke. The player needs to experience a genuine "WTF" reaction.
I understand and knew it would eliminate a lot of the impact/surrealism when making the comment. But this also isn't a AAA title from a known developer so has less power to coast on + it's more amusing to people who've played the alphas/betas and have gotten accustomed to hitting "ignore" and "rollback" as real errors have popped up for all of us. We all thought it was an error the first time, hit ignore or rollback since we're used to the errors, then immediately figured out this was a surreal in-joke. Many users won't. Basically more trouble than it's worth IMO, assuming there ever is a steam release. And I think it'll still confuse a much greater % of its users than the Batman game bit.

As for that specific solution, I was just throwing out the first suggestion that came to mind. Many ways to handle it. Could be just the error screen as is now, but replace the "cannot access menu message" with another hint if the user tries to go there first, maybe a voice out of nowhere like "Saving? Loading? That's the power of god in a way, isn't it? I wouldn't mess with such forces while inebriated, Ian". Anything, really. Just throwing ideas off the top of my head. Point is, some more immediate hint is needed if the game moves beyond Patreon, for both practical reasons and with the power of hastily written reviews in mind. Gamers, especially porn gamers, aren't always the reflective sort. I think it's a great sequence, but maybe more appropriate as-is as sort of an easter-egg for those of us who've played through development.

Again, I personally think it's great and prefer it as-is, as far as personal enjoyment is concerned. Just thinking about the marketing/feedback "muh game iz broaks" headaches from a successful sales standpoint.
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Feb 5, 2021
For Lena I think it's a little bit more difficult at this Point. The only good "Love" Routes I see right now for her are Ian and Holly but it wouldn't suprise me if Jeremy, Axel, Mike, Louise and maybe even Ed and Stan could go this way in the future?! But please no Robert... :D
I feel like Stan lost his rights to a good route after he nearly walked into the room when Lena and Ian were having sex and jerked off right on top of them.

Honestly my biggest problem with Stan in that scene is how it's drawn. Lena had already peaked on Louise and Jeremy in my game, so it'd be hypocritical if I was judging him for discretely peaking. But with how it was drawn he had the door wide open, and was standing in the room with an incredibly stupid expression on his face and his dick out for everyone to see. It just killed any hope I had for that route being anything more than a corruption route for Lena.


New Member
Sep 11, 2017
Go 1 or 2 pages back and read the forum. I am amazed that there are so many people that as soon as they encounter something that looks like an error they jump to the conclusion that the game is broken. There are buttons, try and press them. If that doesn't work, check the forum and read it first. See if anyone encountered the same issue. Nobody did, then ask yourself if you were careful with your saves and never used one from the alpha or the beta version of the game. That is not it, then by all means, go ahead and write a post.
I get the error too, The Ignore button dont fix the problem and the game star a loop and is i,mpossible go ahead.
Please help


Apr 8, 2018
If we are playing a good Ian, than the best love route options are Alison, Lena and Holly.
I do not get why so many players dislike Alison. It becomes clear during play that Alison had a crush on Ian for years. If Ian reacts favourably towards Alison all of the shenigans never happen (or only as much as the player wants) and I can see a very solid relationship of the two in the future. That is more than we can say of the bunch of cheaters.
Lena is the other MC, "nuff said".
Holly is the female Perry in tha game as far as the social ackwardness is concerned, but a nice girl elsewhere. She has a crush on Ian and is definitely a good girlfriend option.

The others like Cindy or Emma would be dick moves as far as friends are concerned.

I agree that for Lena the options ATM are a bit more limited. Ian and Holly, but I am sure that one or two others will become options later.
I'm totally with you and I'm also certainly one of the biggest Alison Fans here! :D Right now she is by far my favorite Route for Ian and I never can let her be with Jeremy in any of my Playthroughs because my Ian goes always for her. But the Problem is like you said you just can see her full Potential and her strong feelings and inner struggles for Ian when you go full Alison (and I believe many Players miss this because then they sadly miss Cherry and Emma Stuff)

IanxAlison has so much Potential for a Love Route and a good Relationship and I think the upcoming Trip they are planning will finally push this Relationship. But I still want a Lena/Alison Confrontation when both are involved with Ian this could be really interesting.


Jun 30, 2017
Not everything is stat related. Some choices affect your possibilities. If you can't join Ivy and Holly, it means that:
1) Your Ian is dating Holly or
2) Your Lena is dating/hooking up with Ian.
These conditions prevent the choice.
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your contributions to the game.

I confirm my Lena has a free relationship with Ian. Since Lena is a slut in my playthrough (besides Ian, she is fucking with several men, including Jeremy), I think it doesn't make sense that she suddenly becomes a prude when Holly is involved, considering that
a)Holly is not dating Ian and
b) she is being corrupted by Ivy with the help of Lena!

So that option should be selectable as it was in alpha, don't you agree?


Feb 21, 2019
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Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
What happened to all the people saying that fans shouldn't be able to influence Eva's writing and that her ideas should stay original? Some people now want to be able to get Ian-Lena-Holly without any effort or consideration for Holly's feelings.
Can't speak for em all, but I think by speculating a retcon, a lot of people are just talking about the awkwardness of the writing in that area, not about changing the characters/plot or speeding-up/forcing the Ian-Lena-Holly scenario. Of course, there are some people that always just want "teh secks with teh hot girlz shuld b ez" or "wtf? U shld make dis fantesy I car about."


Apr 18, 2019
Artwork is improving update by update,
Content is on exactly right track,
Paths are going just where the player wanted them.
H Scenes are in abundance so you'll not get bored.

Characters which need some pure update are Minerva, Ed and Seymour.
These 3 are most anticipated characters in terms of scenes and update.
Further intro with family members in future will give more weight to this game.


Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
Ok. We're laughing. But this confusion happens so frequently for an inside-joke. People playing this on Steam who never ran into the expected errors in Alpha and Beta won't expect this and might just turn the game off in frustration. Eva might need to make it a little more obvious (I know, it's obvious to us) once the full game is otherwise complete before a Steam release. For the amount of people not getting the puzzle here, I can imagine a lot more in negative Steam review comments. "Fix teh shit! Why u no tests?!? Pour game"

Imagined change would be Ian showing up immediately in front of the screen when the error first pops and making some sort of "wft?" comment on it, so users not following development know it's part of the game.
was a tad frustrating forsure....i hope in future that game can be played WITHOUT needing steam
i refuse to play any games thats locked in to steam..the second games says steam required i move onto other games
for the record game was fun up until said inside joke,,,spend a few hours playing and then to have that happen lost alot of progress from exciting so yeah was fairly pissed ..hope lesson learned here?game WAS fantastic up till then as i said
anyway thanks for the reply and insight and feed hate her bro just confusion LOL


Sep 13, 2020
What happened to all the people saying that fans shouldn't be able to influence Eva's writing and that her ideas should stay original?
I don't think that Eva maintaining her creative freedom and the fans voicing their feedback are mutually exclusive in any way. I think Eva should tell the story however she sees fit, but also still try to keep the story consistent to the games established mechanics.

Some people now want to be able to get Ian-Lena-Holly without any effort or consideration for Holly's feelings.
Of course they do. The game up to this point has given the player agency over the main characters to choose their feelings towards the rest of the cast, but now Lena's feelings toward Holly have been predetermined by Eva, thus removing the player agency that the game has established up to this point. That is the inconsistency between story and mechanics that I eluded too above. If Eva wants to make the creative choice to have Lena's feelings with Holly be predetermined (which I think is a perfectly fine choice), than that should be reflected with in game context so that the player understands why agency over this decision was removed for them when it hasn't been anytime before when dealing with other characters.
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Apr 17, 2020
It is a very nice VN. Good story, good text, good characters.

In my first career, I fucked Holly, and Lena (obviously) broke up with me. In this latest update (V0.8 final), I try again with just a "small" change :cool: . I just kissed Holly, I can't see the Holly / Ivy / Lena scene, but Lena is still with me.

I wonder what will happen in the next update with Lena's mother. I am afraid of how I will deal with his feelings if something bad happens.

The Dev is doing a good job. I'm sure it will continue like this.(y)
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