RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Perry rats Ian out to Lena after he fucks Cherry. So he's not just a whingy bitch but also a rat fink.
Quite a asshole thing to do considering he knows Lena for a few days or weeks at most. Unless he takes pleasure in messing things for others.
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Apr 8, 2018
I respect your opinion but Alison is crazy bruh, chick yells I love you on the second date, she also change her style for him...My mom always told me to not stick my dick on crazy, I never listened and paid the price.

I give two more chapters before she tries to pegging him or chains him to the bed for some voodoo crap. Run bruh, run and never look back
Thanks for your concern Friend and I understand your Points and I know that many of the Players see Alison just as a "Psycho Yandere Bitch"
And don't get me wrong she is crazy about Ian that's a fact but I think it's not that extreme as many People seem to see it or maybe even want it to be. I hope Eva doesn't go this way and push her in this Direction. She will definitely break down over her Feelings at some Point and has to confront them sooner or later (most likely when meeting Lena and competing with her or something like that) but I sure hope it's not some Psycho over the top shit.

I think if you play the Full Alison Route you really learn a lot more about her complex Character, her inner struggles and espescially her Feelings for Ian (and it is obvious that she is in love with him and this maybe even since highschool or at least for a long time)

I think she just can't handle her Feelings and she wants to be this cool laid back girl who "doesn't want a relationship at all after the shitshow with Milo" but the Moment she get's involved with Ian it feels like this totally backfires on her and now she has to act easy and laid back to keep her Face and Ian but is actually very scared of losing Ian to the "Model" (that's why she is always asking about her) and therefore her kind of crazy Reactions. She seems very confident but she is clearly not and I think this makes her Character very interesting because you can see how she handles this (or more likely tries to handle it) with her behavior in certain Situations.

Also her yelling love confessions and going crazy in bed is kind of like every other Girl with Ian :D He seems to know what he is doing but I think in this matter Lena is as crazy as Alison.

But as you said it everyone has an Opinion about the Characters in this Game and that's why I like it and I still can understand your Arguments about her being way too crazy.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Quite a asshole thing to do considering he knows Lena for a few days or weeks at most. Unless he takes pleasure in messing things for others.
Perry is meant to be the 'comedy sidekick' to Ian's 'hero', but the way he fucks Ian over with his careless words and then acts nonchalant or oblivious when Ian is pissed about it grates on my nerves a bit. I get it if it happens once (although that's already bad enough), but when it happens 2, 3 times I'm wishing Ian would just knock him out already. Especially an Ian who doesn't allow people to walk all over him or make a fool of him.

I mean frankly, it just adds to the appeal of fucking Emma. I mean, besides the already significant appeal of fucking Emma.


Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2020
Quite a asshole thing to do considering he knows Lena for a few days or weeks at most. Unless he takes pleasure in messing things for others.
I wonder how many people reveal Jeremy's cheating to Louise while thinking Perry is a prick for doing the same.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
I wonder how many people reveal Jeremy's cheating to Louise while thinking Perry is a prick for doing the same.
The difference is that Lena is the one who reveals it to Louise, not Ian. Whereas Perry is meant to be Ian's bro and have his back. I mean, we players know it's a dirty double-standard, but it's not a double standard in game. ;)
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Engaged Member
Dec 15, 2020
The difference is that Lena is the one who reveals it to Louise, not Ian. Whereas Perry is meant to be Ian's bro and have his back. I mean, we players know it's a dirty double-standard, but it's not a double standard in game. ;)
Indeed. I don't mind Perry as much for those revalations, I'd argue cheaterIan has it coming (Perry is clearly not a subscriber of the bro code). I dislike him for being a lazy pile of dough personally.


Aug 28, 2017
I wonder how many people reveal Jeremy's cheating to Louise while thinking Perry is a prick for doing the same.
well i don't think perry is a prick for doing that, because i honestly think he just blurted that out without thinking. but i also think that there is a very important distinction. Lena is Louise's friend and Perry is Ian's friend. if your friend gets cheated on, you should definitely tell them. i sure hope my friends do that to me too. if your friend cheats on someone, you better not tell on them right away. it's better to talk to your friend first and tell them that it's a total dickmove that they cheat on them

EDIT: ah, it seems i was too late already
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Apr 18, 2019
This game is very good. I like the story and graphics. Also very interesting to play by two main characters.

I protect Lena from other dicks, just allow access to Ian. Not complex task, but I allow very hot photosats with Axel and a bit scared of future consequences. Also sometimes she look to Axel photographs.
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
I wonder how many people reveal Jeremy's cheating to Louise while thinking Perry is a prick for doing the same.
There are some differences there. Lena and Louise are supposed to be friends for quite some time, so it would make sense that Lena would focus on her friend instead of that would be cheater Jeremy.
But the same situation doesn't apply between Perry and Lena, they barely know each other.

Sure there is some double standard there but still i get the feeling Perry does it more because he is a asshole (based in all his previous actions) than out of some sense of being right and fair with Lena.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Sure there is some double standard there but still i get the feeling Perry does it more because he is a asshole (based in all his previous actions) than out of some sense of being right and fair with Lena.
I think he's meant to be "quirky" (if the fun sound effect after his goof is anything to go by). I guess we're meant to laugh about it, but after the first time it's already run its course. The most annoying this is that the player isn't given any chance to have Ian retaliate, so instead Ian's just like, 'oh you,' while Perry prepares to do it again. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
I wonder how many people reveal Jeremy's cheating to Louise while thinking Perry is a prick for doing the same.
Friendship tribalism that other people already mentioned aside, I do think that it is important to mention that Louise did not think of Jeremy in the same way Lena and Ian thought of each other at that point in the story. Louise was already referring to Jeremy as her boyfriend and Jeremy was just maliciously not correcting her. Ian and Lena were still figuring each other out at that point in the story, so telling either of them about the other's proclivities is not that important from a moral perspective because the betrayal aspect of it isn't as relevant as how they want to present themselves to each other.

But I mean, its not like Perry did it on purpose anyway, he's a blabbermouth and MAYBE a bit jealous of how much pussy Ian can be slaying, but I don't think he meant to make Ian look bad in front of Lena.
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May 26, 2017

Behind the scenes art process (2)
Expanding on the post about the process behind for Chapter 8, here are some more WIP pics, this time from the scene between Holly and Ivy.
As I explained in the previous post, the first step in creating the scene is figuring how the action is going to play out and decide how many illustrations will be needed, and which poses, angles and shots to use. Often times I can't find the perfect reference image, and in that case I need to get a bit more creative and put some extra time and effort in the planning stages. In these cases, I sketch over the reference images very loosely, modifying proportions, hairstyles and faces to match my characters. Sometimes I also create collages, merging two or more different images to get what I'm looking for, cropping arms, faces, characters...

It's easy to trust on the underlying picture when tracing the drawing, but I try to be aware of proportions and anatomy. Camera lenses can distort the image, and some angles can make some body parts hard to translate into line-work, and that can cause the final drawing to look weird sometimes.
I've been using this method for a long time to produce a lot of illustrations quickly, but as I take more time to polish the final artwork, I'm also trying to push the limits of it's comfort zone so I don't have to rely so strongly on the reference picture, allowing me more freedom to develop the scenes visually. I'm also trying to add more variety and number of illustrations per scene, and roughly animating some of those, sometimes through small variations on the images, and sometimes using two or three frames to suggest the illusion of movement more strongly. More on that on future posts.


Aug 24, 2018
It's Stan's M'Ladying outfit.

Just needs a katana to complete the look.
I just snorted...

Perry is meant to be the 'comedy sidekick' to Ian's 'hero', but the way he fucks Ian over with his careless words and then acts nonchalant or oblivious when Ian is pissed about it grates on my nerves a bit. I get it if it happens once (although that's already bad enough), but when it happens 2, 3 times I'm wishing Ian would just knock him out already. Especially an Ian who doesn't allow people to walk all over him or make a fool of him.

I mean frankly, it just adds to the appeal of fucking Emma. I mean, besides the already significant appeal of fucking Emma.
My reaction is similar to Michael Scott's when Pam tells him not to date her mom...


Although in this case its fucking Emma...
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Aug 28, 2017
but the way he fucks Ian over with his careless words and then acts nonchalant or oblivious when Ian is pissed about it grates on my nerves a bit.
Agreed, He clearly has big trouble with social clues and how to act, I think he's based on someone with Aspergers or other more severe form of autism. Even the way he talks and what he talks about gives me those vibes.

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Agreed, He clearly has big trouble with social clues and how to act, I think he's based on someone with Aspergers or other more severe form of autism. Even the way he talks and what he talks about gives me those vibes.
It would be interesting if this hypothesis were proven true. It would certainly make Perry more interesting as a character.
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2018
One question concerning Alison: If I choose at first Cherry and at the second evening Emma, is there still an opportunity for having sex with her?
No. The first option is okay since you can still get back on the Alison route by accepting her dinner date and fking her using one willpoint.

But choosing to fk Emma (assuming you did not accept Alison's dinner date) ends the Alison route. If you have not fked Alison at all and fked Emma in ch 5, there will be no opportunities left for Alison as of ch 8.

On the other hand, if you have fked Alison at least once before fking Emma in ch 5, there are hints that there will be a threesome path where Ian and Jeremy both fk Alison. Good luck.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Agreed, He clearly has big trouble with social clues and how to act, I think he's based on someone with Aspergers or other more severe form of autism. Even the way he talks and what he talks about gives me those vibes.
Whoa, that's a really interesting point that I never considered, but it makes a lot of sense. :unsure:

It would also add to the reason that Perry is so stuck in his habits and gets upset when he tries things outside of his comfort zone (like going to the club). I also wonder if drinking as much as he does is (not only, but also) because he loses a bit of his inhibitions and it's easier to relax without overthinking everything.

I mean, it's also possible that it's not the case at all and Perry is just generally an antisocial who loves to drink, but I like your reasoning a lot more, and hope it's true. It would make it far easier to empathize with his character, and make him a little more complex and interesting as a character.

It would be interesting if this hypothesis were proven true. It would certainly make Perry more interesting as a character.
I totally agree. I mean, if it turns out that it was due to a condition he couldn't really control, it would change things significantly. I mean, it would still be pretty annoying cos it doesn't change the fact that he's raining on Ian's parade, but at least there's a reasonable and understandable cause behind it that isn't just Perry being clueless and careless. It would also make sense with Ian not getting more pissed at him, considering he's known Perry for so long and probably has had stuff like this happen a lot more throughout that time.

It does kind of make you feel hesitant to tell Perry anything about what Ian is doing and who he's seeing though (if that was even an option the player could control), considering you never know when he could blab to someone about it and inadvertently screw Ian over.
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