
Active Member
Feb 7, 2018
The art and the coding are fairly mechanical tasks that you can train yourself to do fast enough. Of course, you conveniently skipped over the writing so that you could sell your point across. You know, the actual CREATIVE process that you can't force yourself to do any faster than you can? If you have any of your writers friends, ask them how long it takes to write a full 250-300-page fictional storybook (Chapter 7 had more words than Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone). If they tell you they can do it in 2 months, then I'd be very curious to find out about their work so I could review it and share my honest opinion about their writing quality.
She did state during last chapter release she is having difficulties in writing if u (total unrelated but try reading ultimate husband that has like 12k pages and is fairly good apart from the silly translation mistakes )


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
If people are complaining here, then I am sure there are patrons who are complaining too. And I am glad there are people like the, aforementioned. If Eva is going to push out an update let's suppose in 5 months, it's because of these people who complain.
If people like 'no problem, Eva. You can take as much time as you want' were the only ones in the world.
We would be seeing one update in 1 year. Encouraging, supporting someone goes a long way but we definitely need a fair share of people who will criticize and keep everything in check.
That's assuming that Eva's intention is to milk her patrons and prolong the development. Correction: Eva doesn't want to spend her entire life writing a single game. She wants to properly move the storyline to a decent place, too, so she could finish it in 3 years and start something new. She could milk GGGB to this day if she wanted to simply milk her patrons as long as she can, like most devs do with their games, but she chose to actually finish it. And you could see that close to the end, the pace got really fast, because Eva herself couldn't wait to finish it and call it a game. And it was a big risk, too, since quite a few people dropped their support after GGGB, not liking ORS' 2-protagonist direction and less crazy sex acts. So, even if you assume the worst in Eva's personality, at least take into account that she doesn't enjoy working on a single project indefinitely because it's boring as fuck. If Eva is anything like me, I'm sure her brain is already full of different ideas for some other project that she could start after finishing ORS.
And yes, people are getting anxious on Discord, too. But their main concern is if Eva is okay and is feeling well, not "How dare she take so long and milk us of our money". She hasn't been answering my PM, which means she's in a hard crunch mode where she filters everything out and is solely focused on progressing with the Alpha. It's not that she doesn't release an update because she's lazy, she just can't meet a deadline because there's too much bloody work.


Lezz kiss for peace!
Feb 7, 2018
Four months will definitely be a new record. I honestly didn't think it would ever take that long. Sure, Eva always delivered and it could be an exception, but you first got used to one month at GGGB, then two months at ORS and now of course it seems like it would take forever until the new update. And it seems at least 3 months is the new update chronology.

btw: I am a Patron, so I can complain just a little because game is great and I can't wait :)
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Mar 1, 2020
I'm one of those guys. I actually enjoy a game written by a female, although there are some good games written by guys as well. I just like a female perspective on stuff though, especially when a character is hot and horny.
I prefer them too. Especially ones that portray a strong female character who gets into sexy situations on her own will and not because she was blackmailed. Unfortuantely, most female protag games portray the second kind of character. The storyline typically goes like this -

You've moved to a new city so you need to find a job and an apartment, you need to pay rent every month and if you don't, you need to blow the creep home owner to make up for the rent. Your boss is also a creep and if you don't do sexual favors, he's going to fire you. You walk down the street and a homeless man starts chasing you, you have to give him a handjob or else you get assaulted etc.

I'm thankful that there a few games that have strong female characters like ORS, GGGB, Lust Campus, Female Agent (please suggest me more if you know of any), but it is a genre that definitely needs more representation.


Dec 29, 2017
Its the exact opposite to me, the female segments feel a lot like GGGB (which is not a bad thing, but it feels like I've seen it all before). The male segments are interesting because Ian's story itself is interesting.
I know what will happen to Lena, she'll soon start having sex with randos and before you know it she'll be having BBC gangbangs while be a druggie. Ian's future is up in the air though, he has that writing gig, but he might also end up as a renown fighter, or even as a part of a band. Lena is basically a toned down version of Ashley from GGGB. Ian is basically Dave from GGGB, which is fine because I found Dave to be a very good character.
i agree, but another reason why Ian's side of the story feels more interesting then Lena's is that a lot of his love interests aren't just random hookups

fucking Cindy and Emma means you're cucking your best friends
for other girls, you have to get them before Jeremy does (and you know he will)

compare this to Robert and Mike... if you ignore them they can just disappear from the story
it feels the best storylines for Lena are only just starting, like Axel, Seymour or her lesbian options
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
i agree, but another reason why Ian's side of the story feels more interesting then Lena's is that a lot of his love interests aren't just random hookups

fucking Cindy and Emma means you're cucking your best friends
for other girls, you have to get them before Jeremy does (and you know he will)

compare this to Robert and Mike... if you ignore them they can just disappear from the story
it feels the best storylines for Lena are only just starting, like Axel, Seymour or her lesbian options
What do you mean by "best storylines"? I don't get it.


Dec 29, 2017
story arcs, love interests, however you want to call them
whatever differs from "a random guy hits on her, they fuck"


Nov 5, 2017
I think she had a summer break too that's why we getting more time between the updates.. But oh boy we are gonna find out very soon what happens next.. keep on the good work eva


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
TBH I suspect Eva's original rationale for having a male protagonist as well for Our Red String is probably just to broaden the audience and gain more Patreon support that way.
Too many 'ew, I can't play a female protag game, it makes me gay!' people around. Would have been unfair if Eva missed out on potential patrons despite a quality project in every way just because of the female protag tag.
I can't say this isn't the case as only Eva would know the real reason, but I think it's far more likely that Eve made this game with two protagonists because she as a writer was genuinely interested in exploring the concept of having a male and female MC in the same game, rather then doing it because it would potentially widen her audience and get her more money (although that would certainly be a bonus).

It's not a very common thing to find any game where both male and female characters can be played at the same time, which makes the idea fresh and intriguing. It also allows for the exploration of events from two different viewpoints, which is also fun to do as a writer (for example, showing how two people can experience the same moment in completely different ways depending on their personalities and life experiences).

I say this because you can see that Eva is a writer by nature and enjoys creating her story, as evidence by how engaging this game's writing and storyline is. I think it's also clear by how closely she holds her work and insists on keeping creative control by largely working alone (despite what a huge workload that creates), keeping outside influence to an absolute minimum. The more passionate the artist is about their work, the more protective they tend to be over it when faced with the prospect that it could be bastardized in some way if others interfere (and I say that out of personal experience).

I think if Eva cared more about making money than creating her artistic vision, she'd be a lot less pedantic in her methods, and be open to more audience input - almost certainly to the detriment of the game itself (as we've seen in other games before).
Could be. I also suspect that she's splitting her own personal experiences and desires in half to write both characters: Her career and creative aspirations as well as friendships more informing her writing of Ian and her own fetishes, fantasies, stray sexual thoughts and relationship needs more informing the writing of Lena (as well as potential hardships and struggles). Maybe why Lena seems to be more of an empty character in some ways, but with more complex problems than Ian has.
This is a pretty good observation, actually. It would explain why Ian feels more 'real' and dynamic as a character then Lena's somewhat bland, 'too perfect' nature. She's the good, empathetic girl who is absolutely gorgeous, intelligent and creative (basically, she's an unrealistic ideal)... yet she lacks a feeling of true conviction with any of it. Perhaps it's because Lena isn't given a passion or drive for the things she's supposed to be interested in (modelling or making music) like Ian has for his writing career (or Eva with her writing career, where we see the parallels ;)). Whether the player chooses to have Lena follow the modelling career or focus on making music, or a combo of both, there's still never really a feeling of Lena investing herself deeply in either, which contributes to that feeling of a lack of depth and conviction to her personality. As I feel it, anyway.

Of course, Ian isn't perfectly realistic either - he still draws the women like he's some crazy walking pheromone, but somehow I find his personality engaging enough (and him driven enough for what he wants) to feel it believable that quite a few girls would be into him with his well-spoken, empathetic nature. Plus I find him somehow more attractive for the fact that he's not drop-dead gorgeous, and even a bit awkward and shy at the start. Ian may not be perfectly realistic but I genuinely enjoy following his side of the story every chapter, even outside the sex... which I can't always say for Lena, sadly.
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New Member
Apr 20, 2020
My condolences to everyone who paid at PATREON money for the month of September regarding ORS.
Your last six posts have been about the slow development of this chapter, it comes as no shock to me that you aren't a patron of Eva. How can you be so mad, when you haven't even paid a dime? I wish you would be angry that my new car is delayed going two months now, or that I waited 45 minutes for a pizza yesterday. If you have nothing better to spend your time on.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
Maybe she got sick or a relative got sick or her cat
Or her relative got sick of her cat and so Eva adopted her cat but got sick since she's allergic. So she went to the doctor to get anti-allergy pills but then got sick there and almost died of covid because she stopped for fast food along the way and the girl in the drive-through window was sick. So then she thought "oh, wow. This is a lot to handle and I can't release an update this week because I'm almost dead, though I didn't die, good thing."

Why would you criticize someone on their near-deathbed or want someone to abandon their poor cat to a shelter that might kill them? Good thing Eva's a good person, but if I were you I'd be ashamed of myself. Cat murderers.

This post would be longer, but I'm off to pray to the great spaghetti monster of speculation in the sky. (That's his full name. I won't actually be going up into the sky to pray to him. Don't be silly).

But yeah, a personal thing could've come up too.
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