John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Whoever called October was right. Word of advice for all those impatient players out there that were holding onto Eva's "I'd kick myself in the teeth if I don't release before September ends" so tightly is that just because a dev says they would like to get an update by X date do not take that as an absolute and get your hopes so high. This is life and many things in life can happen that can push back an update release. Not to mention all the work that needs to be done for a game like this and the countless errors that can come up. So, do yourself a favor and the next time Eva says something along those lines understand that things can change. Don't psych yourself up so much that the update will come out exactly then.


Engaged Member
Oct 17, 2019
Actually, i see no point in waiting for this game updates coming out. You all free to act like you wish, with the time of your own life, but as for me - I'd never waste even a minute for playing it again. The only thing that I'm going to ever play about it - is JDMOD gallery. Why? Because of too damn linear scenes and constant lack of options.
Just for example, when Lena goes to a club, there is an option - to try a drug or not to try. Ok, that's quite unlinear, seems like a choice. Let's see what could happen if she would try it. What can be more unpredictable than a girl under self-extiting drugs?
From all games that I played on this site all games that are considert the good one(being a dik) for example our red string is one of the only VN that you can call VN.Ofc you cant have any possibilitie but you actually can unfluance how your surrunding reacts too you you can actually influance how your cheracters personalitie is and if I look for example too being a dik or other VN you cant influance the personalitie of mc you cant influance your surrundings only which girl too fuck but the whole world is turn around mc if you want it or not in our red string you actually have a decission how to play(smart weak guy,alpha sport guy, a pure asshole and so on) roleplay and have diff big and small routes depends on the decission but ofc you have limitations otherwise the game will never be finished.And the game is not finiseh so eva needs to safe some kinky stuff and crazy stuff too.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
Whoever called October was right. Word of advice for all those impatient players out there that were holding onto Eva's "I'd kick myself in the teeth if I don't release before September ends" so tightly is that just because a dev says they would like to get an update by X date do not take that as an absolute and get your hopes so high. This is life and many things in life can happen that can push back an update release. Not to mention all the work that needs to be done for a game like this and the countless errors that can come up. So, do yourself a favor and the next time Eva says something along those lines understand that things can change. Don't psych yourself up so much that the update will come out exactly then.
Then she should't say things like that, so stop finding excuses for all them delays...

John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
Then she should't say things like that, so stop finding excuses for all them delays...
I see you're not taking my advice. First off, Eva never gave you a concrete promise it would be released by the end of September. Secondly, the game takes a lot of work and a myriad of things can go wrong that will delay an update. Or do you think game development goes smoothly with no hiccups?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
I see you're taking my advice. First off, Eva never gave you a concrete promise it would be released by the end of September. Secondly, the game takes a lot of work and a myriad of things can go wrong that will delay an update. Or do you think game development goes smoothly with no hiccups?
I kick my self in the teeth sounds more than a promise to me, she as a dev know what's what and how much work she has i assume cuz if she doesn't know who then, that's why she said that... as for you keep them excuses coming for them devs, bah...
Aug 16, 2021
I kick my self in the teeth sounds more than a promise to me, she as a dev know what's what and how much work she has i assume cuz if she doesn't know who then, that's why she said that... as for you keep them excuses coming for them devs, bah...
I think the main problem is english is not your first language. I can say that by looking at all of your posts. Not that I'm complaining but english is not my first language either.
"I'd kick myself in the teeth if I cannot deliver the update by the end of this month" doesn't sound like a promise at all. Its more like "I'll try to finish the update by the end of this month".
If you still think that Eva made a promise then what do you want her to do? Kick herself in her teeth?
Wait, how do you do that?:unsure: .

Lets just wait for the update before jumping into any conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
I think the main problem is english is not your first language. I can say that by looking at all of your posts. Not that I'm complaining but english is not my first language either.
"I'd kick myself in the teeth if I cannot deliver the update by the end of this month" doesn't sound like a promise at all. Its more like "I'll try to finish the update by the end of this month".
If you still think that Eva made a promise then what do you want her to do? Kick herself in her teeth?
Wait, how do you do that?:unsure: .

Lets just wait for the update before jumping into any conclusion.
Listen i know very well what she meant with that expression and its meant to sound more like "I'll work very, very hard to finish the update by the end of this month otherwise i'll be very mad at myself" so its a promise made to herself first of all.
What conclusion to draw now, this is from Aug 4 once again in slow 4th of A-U-G-U-S-T that's almost 2 months ago:
Now, about a release date: all I can do at this point is estimate, but I think I will need at least one month to tackle the writing and the other tasks. I'll know more when I see how work progresses this coming weeks, but I want to avoid by all means possible releasing Chapter 9 later than September.

The only conclusion is that this dev was one of the good ones with monthly releases then she said that she'll do bi-monthly and myeah now we all can see what's what... nuff' said.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
I think the main problem is english is not your first language. I can say that by looking at all of your posts. Not that I'm complaining but english is not my first language either.
"I'd kick myself in the teeth if I cannot deliver the update by the end of this month" doesn't sound like a promise at all. Its more like "I'll try to finish the update by the end of this month".
If you still think that Eva made a promise then what do you want her to do? Kick herself in her teeth?
Wait, how do you do that?:unsure: .

Lets just wait for the update before jumping into any conclusion.
I can see how non-English speakers might get confused by that, yeah. The English term 'kick in the teeth' means to feel very disappointed and/or shocked, by something (eg, a betrayal, bad news, something going wrong). The way it's referenced in Eva's post means that Eva thought she'd be quite disappointed in herself if she didn't get the update done by the end of September, and she said that from the belief that she could get it done in time. That was Eva's hope, not a guarantee. After all, nobody wants to kick themselves in the teeth, so it's not something you say lightly unless you think you can manage it.
But yeah, is it really such a big deal that she's a few weeks behind? We're all eager to play this update, but it's not as if there's nothing else to do in the meantime (and she's clearly still working hard at it), so why dwell on it?
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Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
Listen i know very well what she meant with that expression and its meant to sound more like "I'll work very, very hard to finish the update by the end of this month otherwise i'll be very mad at myself" so its a promise made to herself first of all.
What conclusion to draw now, this is from Aug 4 once again in slow 4th of A-U-G-U-S-T that's almost 2 months ago:
Now, about a release date: all I can do at this point is estimate, but I think I will need at least one month to tackle the writing and the other tasks. I'll know more when I see how work progresses this coming weeks, but I want to avoid by all means possible releasing Chapter 9 later than September.

The only conclusion is that this dev was one of the good ones with monthly releases then she said that she'll do bi-monthly and myeah now we all can see what's what... nuff' said.
Can you honestly say that you've delivered on time every single time you've set out to do something, though? It only takes a bit of life experience and basic empathy to understand and accept that sometimes things don't go so smoothly and life gets in the way. Shit happens (and these days, a lot of shit is happening). That's not an excuse, it's just the way things are sometimes.
Honestly, the people complaining about Eva with no idea what it takes to make something like this are SO much more annoying then waiting for this update. Like honestly, shut the fuck up.

Please. :p


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
That's not an excuse, it's just the way things are sometimes.
The fact that you mentioned that is not an excuse it makes it an excuse...
Honestly, the people complaining about Eva with no idea what it takes to make something like this are SO much more annoying then waiting for this update. Like honestly, shut the fuck up.
You know what is much more annoying than ppl complaining about devs? Bootlickers who are looking for excuses for devs everywhere...


Dec 2, 2018
"I'll kick myself in the teeth if I cannot deliver the update by the end of this month" is neither a promise, nor a wishful statement (i.e. "I'll try" or "I hope"). Metaphorically, she is saying she will punish herself if she does not manage to deliver the update before September ends, which strongly suggests she must deliver it by then, as no one would want to inflict physical harm on themselves. So while it is definitely not a promise, it certainly means you can expect it to be delivered before September ends, or thereabouts, as to avoid the undesireable consequence. That's it, end of story. No one is right and no one is wrong.

Either way, though, one can hold two thoughts in their head at the same time. You can claim that an update should in no way be rushed into completion, and simultaneously believe that four months is way too long to deliver it. I certainly don't think she should rush it now - she might as well take a few more weeks to get it done properly, but I also think she has some serious thinking to be done for the next update. We could very quickly get to a point where this game is progressing extremely slowly, especially considering that the dual protagonist set-up is not likely to make the number of possible variations fewer the longer it goes on.

I was very surprised when Eva made that choice, as the consequence we are seeing now would be possible for anyone to predict. It also has terrible synergy with the stat-system and the sub-par save compatibility; the stat system requires extreme precision in your choices, which you forget during the long update times, and then you cannot load up an old save to not have to think about it. Eva is in serious need to either reconsider the scope of this game or hire some more help, as this, as I mentioned previously, could risk getting out of hand very quickly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2021
I think 3 months is the sweet spot and anything over 6 months, even if it's a great update, is bad. It would be hard, if not impossible, for me to be a patron of any game that has REGULAR 6+ months update releases. Again, that's my opinion for what it's worth.


Active Member
Jun 3, 2018
The fact that you mentioned that is not an excuse it makes it an excuse...

You know what is much more annoying than ppl complaining about devs? Bootlickers who are looking for excuses for devs everywhere...
Events beyond a person's control are not an excuse - when I said 'shit happens' I was literally saying that sometimes things happen that you have no control over, which is not an excuse, it's a fact. Sometimes life gets in the way - you can do your damnedest to try and get something done (in this case, Eva trying to get the update finished, and believing she can do it) but you still run out of time, or discover a problem that's completely unforeseen when you set out (which happens a LOT with writing), and all you can do is try to work through it.
It isn't bootlicking when people who actually have some understanding of the process themselves defend a creator (some of us know what it's like), or know enough about said creator's work ethic to give them the benefit of the doubt that they're doing the best they can. It's called empathy. You really should learn the difference.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2021
or know enough about said creator's work ethic to give them the benefit of the doubt that they're doing the best they can. It's called empathy. You really should learn the difference.
You talking about work ethic and empathy makes me laugh, i'll tell you for whom i have empathy and who has good work ethic are those devs who stop their patreon pages when they don't deliver in sign of good faith towards their patreons (luckly they are a few who do that) so don't come here and talk to me about morals and whteva else...


Active Member
Jul 6, 2017
Then she should't say things like that, so stop finding excuses for all them delays...
The full quote from her Patreon post from Sept. 1. is:
I can't give a release date yet, but I would kick myself in the teeth so hard if I can't get this chapter out before the end of September. In any case, I don't want to release something I'm not happy with, so it will be ready when it's ready (hopefully soon).
(I amplified some key passages for clarity)

You know what is much more annoying than ppl complaining about devs? Bootlickers who are looking for excuses for devs everywhere...
Annoying? How about people complaining on the internet that they don't get their free game NOW! That someone who spends 1000s of hours creating something (they'll download for free) is somehow lazy or a cheat.

See, EvaKiss gave us this awesome game. What have you done for us? So don't be surprised people are siding with EvaKiss here and they will be as long as they love this game. Because people want EvaKiss to continue making this game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
This game is one of the few that keeps me excited for the next update (we also have LiL and a few others), as long as she doesn't start having 6+ month updates i'm fine with her pace.
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