John Doe Jr.

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2017
I am curious if my little theory about the guy gillian runned away with being lena's brother will turn out to be true.
What do you guys think?
I'm not sure. I believe Eva has said Gillian won't be in the game so we may never know who she ran off with. Could just be some random person


Apr 15, 2019
Considering it's always the writing that's the biggest hold up and the most work for her it seems that investing in a writer she likes would be wise. An extra programmer surely wouldn't hurt either
The game has eight chapters already and that means a lot of variables and side storylines to keep track of. This is made worse because we have two protagonists with player agency. The scope has grown, but the developing team hasn't. There's not really much choice here. If Eva wants to maintain continuous releases, at least one of those two things needs to adapt.

Shrinking the game's scope would be the cheapest. It could start as simple as trying to group different variables into one. In the worse case, this could mean scrapping out content from the story. Which I don't think any writer is happy with, but it might be necessary.

On the developing side, an extra programmer seems like a waste to me, Renpy is not that hard that you can't write right in the game's code from the beginning. Outsourcing to another writer with programming basics may be the best compromise to help reduce the workload, but it may come at a cost of changing how the game feels.


New Member
Nov 23, 2019
I think the impatience is a true sign of the quality of EvaKiss's work. People are passionate about it and come from a good place when they worry that the scope of the game might hinder the progress of the storyline being bogged down by a multitude of variables and paths. But some people just hide behind this good intention to whine about the developer not meeting the deadlines even if there's proof she's working on the new update. The problem of this forum is that some people act entitled when actually their sole contribution is demanding the new chapter.
Nov 15, 2020
That "promise" thing is not set in stone. "I will be disappointed if I don't deliver that by Friday." "I will do my best to deliver that by Friday." "I promise that I will deliver that by Friday." What is the difference? People treat promises or any other statements about future actions differently. It doesn't matter that some statements carry a higher probability of finishing that action. Once you read "by Friday", some expectations are set. And when those expectations are not met you will be disappointed.
The difference is that the the two first statements aren't promises. The last one is. If people don't even read the whole posts, but just skim through for a few keywords, then they're lacking the context to give a qualified opinion. People can treat statements however they want, but that doesn't affect the meaning of the statement.

She didn't make any promises about any release date before this week's update, where she promised to release it by the end of the month. That's the facts.

Here everyone is equal, everyone is a pirate, democracy at its best. Why would someone opinion matter more here, just because they support someone on Patreon. You don't like what is discussed here, then stay on Patreon. Don't tell others that you are more special and that their thoughts are not important.
It's not about someone being more important than others, it's about simple logic. This is Eva's full time job. She, as everyone else, needs money from her job to survive. And if she's going to hire more people, it requires even more money. She's already outsourced colouring, background pictures and programming, so we know she doesn't mind spending any excessive funds to improve the game. So: If the people who pirate her game and say she should hire more people, instead started supporting her on Patreon, she probably could hire more people to release more frequent updates.

3. Who made up fake deadlines or fake release dates? I haven't seen any of those. Is true that some people calculate the whole development period wrong thought. You either go from alpha to alpha or from final to final when you want to see how long it takes for an update to be developed. Or go from final to alpha if you want to find out the initial period of development. But for this chapter, let's not forget that it was summer. At least 2 to 3 weeks of personal time off are expected.
Just a few pages ago someone said the update was three months late. Which would mean it would have to release after two months, one month less than the previous updates. Saying it's two months late wouldn't make any sense either; Eva never said this update would take the same time as the previous ones. Probably intentionally, because she had some weeks off and knew it would be hard to compensate for that.

And yes, I completely agree that counting from alpha to alpha or final to final is the only reasonable way to count each chapter's development time.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2017
Just a few pages ago someone said the update was three months late. Which would mean it would have to release after two months, one month less than the previous updates. Saying it's two months late wouldn't make any sense either; Eva never said this update would take the same time as the previous ones. Probably intentionally, because she had some weeks off and knew it would be hard to compensate for that.
The update is 2 months late for it's usual release window of 3 months, you are right about that. I mixed up the dates between the release and how long we have been waiting for it. Meaning it will be 5 months between Chapter 8 and Chapter 9. Eva never promised this release in 3 months, you are also right about that, but every release before has had a consistent release. And this isn't her first game. That would be GGGB. So we have something for a reference if the release is late or not.

So there is no point in splitting hair here just like there is no point in splitting hair with "well she didn't promise the update by the end of September she only said she'd be kicking her teeth out if she didn't release it by that time". You know what she meant by that, I know what she meant, everyone knows what she meant. There is no point in being a debate-lord over it.
Last edited:


Jul 10, 2021
The game has eight chapters already and that means a lot of variables and side storylines to keep track of. This is made worse because we have two protagonists with player agency. The scope has grown, but the developing team hasn't. There's not really much choice here. If Eva wants to maintain continuous releases, at least one of those two things needs to adapt.

Shrinking the game's scope would be the cheapest. It could start as simple as trying to group different variables into one. In the worse case, this could mean scrapping out content from the story. Which I don't think any writer is happy with, but it might be necessary.

On the developing side, an extra programmer seems like a waste to me, Renpy is not that hard that you can't write right in the game's code from the beginning. Outsourcing to another writer with programming basics may be the best compromise to help reduce the workload, but it may come at a cost of changing how the game feels.
right not sure why she did not just have 1 pag and then when she was done add the other as dlc our something but add code to each update for the other charcater so the base for the character can be there other thing is there is so many characters and paths that you can take pretty sure there is about 39 characters all together clear this game is way to big for her to mange by her self


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
I'm pretty chill about this because Eva has already proven through GGGB that she does deliver the goods. I don't think 99% of the people posting on this forum know how time consuming making a game like this can be, especially after the initial chapters when multiple branches make everything complicated as shit. If you want to really see what a grifter looks like, just look at Female Agent, where the dev has been slowly shrinking the game and removing what little content there was for the last three years whilst somehow milking thousands of dollars a month from gullible idiots.
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Aug 28, 2017
She could potentially have someone though to keep track of the plotline, each variable, what every character has done thus far, etc etc so hopefully Eva wouldn't have to keep track of it herself or possibly getting confused and just worry about going forward.
If it means they stay away from any sort of writing storyline or add grievous plotlines, that could work. But isn't that what her testers already do?

Or potentially to write side stories for things she personally isn't interested in or has the time for. (Like the Ian gay content it seems people really want)
That would be a horrible idea for several reasons. Firstly, whatever the second writer adds would bloat the project even more. All the plotlines would need to be tied together, whatever writer two does will affect Evas writing as they all work with the same characters. In example, if Eva writes a scenario where Ed, Ian and Jeremy talks, she would now need to take into consideration that Ed and Ian just took turns fucking Jeremy up the ass in the last chapter. This would double the amount of work, the amount of art, the expenditure of colorizing art etc.

Secondly, people like ORS because they like Evas work, they don't want some random person writing in a different style, adding out of place storylines or weird sex scenes. Good writers don't grow on trees, and just because you're a good writer doesn't mean you'll compliment the style of EvaKiss. I doubt LOTR would have been as popular if Stephen King added chapters to Tolkines work. This is why there never has been written one single good fanfic in the history of humankind, it just doesn't work.... Just like Communism.. Yet people are hellbent on writing new fanfics and try communism all over again, making the world worse for everyone else in the process.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
Seamlessly picking up another writer's style is difficult. You could find a writer talented enough to do so and even improve on the story with greater writing skill than Eva can offer, but so-long profits, expenses and any other cash she needs to keep the ball rolling. Not to mention the time it would take to locate the right writer or the fact that it wouldn't be her story anymore. What creator would want to do that even if it was feasible?

Line-work? Yes. Eva could pick the general photos for tracing, give directions on mood and theme and let them roll. Programming? Yes. She's already got someone, apparently. Great if she could pay them to do all the coding or outsource another part-timer.
Help with more monotonous daily management, PR, updates, exploring release opportunities? Maybe. If she finds someone sharp (yet stupid enough) to work on the cheap, or a potential skilled super-fan with a lot of time on their hands.

All three? Probably not until she has a lot more cash rolling in.

Other than someone organizing and documenting the lore for her and finding conflicts within, writing help is just impractical. She does need to delegate other duties more and get comfortable with handing over the reigns on some tasks. I doubt she wants 5 more years of development time any more than we do.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Secondly, people like ORS because they like Evas work, they don't want some random person writing in a different style, adding out of place storylines or weird sex scenes. Good writers don't grow on trees, and just because you're a good writer doesn't mean you'll compliment the style of EvaKiss. I doubt LOTR would have been as popular if Stephen King added chapters to Tolkines work. This is why there never has been written one single good fanfic in the history of humankind, it just doesn't work.... Just like Communism.. Yet people are hellbent on writing new fanfics and try communism all over again, making the world worse for everyone else in the process.
Yeah, agreed. I wish Eva had more time to dedicate to writing and actual planning of the storylines. Right now there are so many open branches that the planned ones, like Ian getting Jessica's number, seem to be left behind. Eva is only human and can focus on limited amount of events.

P.S. have you spotted some of my ghost-writing in dialogue here and there?


Active Member
Mar 15, 2018
Should the protagonists have their own separate chapters?
Yeah, agreed. I wish Eva had more time to dedicate to writing and actual planning of the storylines. Right now there are so many open branches that the planned ones, like Ian getting Jessica's number, seem to be left behind. Eva is only human and can focus on limited amount of events.

P.S. have you spotted some of my ghost-writing in dialogue here and there?
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