Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018

But I only like to play female prota games and rarely play male prota or games where you have a male prota and a female prota. In general I find it loses focus and the more time you are playing the other prota just has you sitting there wishing you were still playing the main protagonist (Lena in this case I think?)

So yeah for me the male prota sections really ruin the game for me, shame as the Lena stuff is really nice but the second protagonist just sidetracks from the content I want to read and see.

It is odd too as devs who make male prota games rarely have a playable female prota in there. Yet devs who make female prota orientated games often seem to feel the need to add in either multiple female protas or a male prota.

I don't know if it is just me but I hate it when a game has both a male prota and a female prota. Only time I like it is when you can select it at the start and then replay the game to see the other prota content


I just wish more multiple prota games took this approach rather than having you switch perspective constantly throughout the game
Agree, for the most part. There's no such thing a "multiple protagonist" stories/games/etc. What you have is multiple point-of-view (POV) characters. Multiple POV stories are all right in those cases, like ASoIaF or LotR, where the different POV characters are not interacting, and it isn't really possible for the author to use a protagonist because the author has no way to let the protagonist know about important story events taking place elsewhere in thew story.

Story immersion comes when the reader/player feels like they are experiencing the story through the eyes of the protagonist. If the author tells the audience more than the character knows, immersion is lost. Sometimes that's inevitable due to the story, but that's seldom true in games. There's no reason why this story could not be told using a single protagonist on a given playthrough. Make separate MMC and FMC stories if desired, by all means. Just don't remove all the relationship tension by having the player give the answer to all questions from both sides.

I play this game that way, playing the Lena story and just using the skip key when we get to Ian, and then the reverse. It still is a bit spoiled, but there's less of the jarring, rip-me-out-of-immersion feeling you get when you switch bask and forth and have forgotten what happened to a character by the time you get back to them.

Novels are increasingly dropping the protagonist-driven story in favor of POV stories because it is easier. The author in POV stories doesn't have to figure out how the main character finds things out, because they can just create a POV character to witness whatever it is. Games seem to be going the same way.

May 5, 2017
There seems to be a bug for me when purchasing the fancy new dress for Lena. If I have the funds, I can choose to buy it, but Lena says something about her money being put to better use on something else. It gives the impression that she decides not to get it, but then it's in your inventory and you don't get charged for it. So free dress somehow. Not that I'm complaining lol.


Lezz kiss for peace!
Feb 7, 2018
I have a save with Lena x Holly if you are interested. Keep in mind I don't have much with Ian though.
Sorry, I expressed myself wrong: AFAIK there is no official love relationship between Lena and Holly if Jan loves both. So a 3-some is still not possible and I hope that Eva will make this possible in the next update.


Dec 27, 2017
Off the top of my head you have to let Lena kiss Holly when all 3 of them are at Ivy's place I have to replay to make sure

I've been trying out a few variations and still can't seem to get the scene you mentioned. Did you get any closer to finding out the right variables?


Active Member
Nov 3, 2020
Could someone tell me does this game have sex sound effects? because looking at this changelog it looks like it might.
v0.9 Remastered Alpha - 2022/04/08
  • Remaster of CH1-9
  • New Tutorial
  • New Difficulty Levels
  • Complete stats revision and balancing
  • 7 New music tracks
  • Ambient music and sfx overhaul
  • Fixed bugs, created new bugs
Last edited:


Nov 25, 2017
I don't relate to the various complaints about the multiple protagonist setup, but I think I intellectually understand it.

It doesn't work as well if if the player is locked into a particular viewpoint, such as some male players finding it difficult to relate to female characters, leading them to not want to play a female protagonist. Vice versa for some players with a male protagonist, although the female protagonist issue is more common because erotic VNs are a male-dominated hobby.

It doesn't work as well if some players might relate to one of the protagonists but otherwise doesn't care for what that protagonist is going through or trying to do. This happens for me with a lot of male protag games where the game is focused on something like trying to make a harem out of his family. I relate to being a horny guy, but don't care for that particular type of story.

It also doesn't work as well if the players put themselves really strongly in the shoes of one of the protagonists, and then switching protagonists becomes jarring. Maybe this is related to the immersion idea that Joe Steel raised. I tend to adopt the character's perspectives lightly, so I don't experience that jarring feeling, and when the day changes and the name changes from Ian to Lena or from Lena to Ian, I can mentally prep and switch. But I could see it being a problem otherwise.

I think multiple protag works best if you're flexible, can relate to both protagonists, are somewhat invested or interested in what happens to both of them, while not being too immersed in one perspective. When that happens, you can make choices for one protagonist while you as the player are more aware of the day-to-day context in which the other protagonist lives and what choices they're facing. It starts to feel like a real world with everyone facing complex challenges and circumstances, not just one person. I'm thinking of the scene at the bar where Ian notes that he heard from Lena that Louise and Stan don't get along, which is a superficial observation from Ian's perspective, but you (as Lena) have had actual interaction with that dislike and know how tense it is and how Lena struggles with that situation.
Jan 28, 2021
My general takeaway is that this chapter isn't that focused on advancing the story forward, as there was a lot of that in Chapter 9. Instead, it fills in the details, consequences, and payoff of the major choices you've made up to this point, letting dramatic tensions simmer and foreshadowing events to come. Maybe that's why the chapter is titled "The Path We Follow".

Although some dramatic things do happen (see Axel at the club, etc.)
I think this is exactly what she was trying to do. The original title (which afaik was Doors and Cages or something) gives a similar idea. You’ve made a bunch of decisions and that opens a bunch of opportunities for Ian and Lena’s relationships, but in other ways they’re starting to become caged into certain paths.

I don’t think we’ve really had a chapter where we’re mostly dealing with consequences of our decisions and how it effects other characters (Ivy commentating on Ian and Cindy, Lena’s stalkfap, consequences for Holly based on what you’ve done, Axels different responses if Ian’s revealed his relationship with Lena etc.) I thought it was really cool tbh.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
If you don't act like a cuck, you don't get cucked. That's on you bro
Even if i dont act like a cuck, whatever I do, I wont get the enjoyment like Axel or Jeremy is getting from girls by playing as Ian. The maledom, kinky, hardcore, netori content Jeremy is getting will never be able to match what Ian is getting. Sure, If you are a lover of romance, Ian is the best of all Male characters. But, if you take hardcore sexual kinks, I think cuck comes first for Ian.
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