and i am still waiting for more jess content,
i guess only on chapter 13.
still interested how eva will develope that route /routes??
is it a disney redemtion love story? cuck route?? just a friendship that turns into more or just best friends for life/no sex??
that girl desperatly needs a friend that dosent use her ...
will it be different varriations first love story and than lena/ivy taker her to party and she does drugs relapse again
because of there bad influance so happy end or bad end and how many variations?? I am really interested how jess plays out I like that my ian is pretty unexperinced on this route and jess is like porn star but my ian is just nice guy(still watched her porn
) .... can go in all directions ...
would like good and bad endings with her jess is super interesting and lenas/ivys influance on her if you play good/bad lena could be interesting too or sad
espacilly with drug thing that ivy and lena are getting into guess jess is sober ??