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Chapter 8 weekly status report (9)
As I said last time, this'll be the last status report before the release of the Alpha version of Chapter 8. My goal is to
release it by the end of the week, probably Saturday, if everything goes as planned.
- The writing is finally done! The script ended up totalling aprox. 17.750 lines of code, so this chapter ended up being lengthier than I expected. Maybe not long, but dense.
- Bug testing has been underway and keep going, now with a complete script. BloodyMares is helping me with that greatly, as usual, and Lara has been providing technical support too. Thanks to her, now the choices that are not available to you will appear greyed out, instead of being invisible, so you'll know when you have alternatives to explore.
- I've also completed all the missing drawing and now I have to finalise all the assets. This is quite time-consuming, but it requires a lot less brainpower than writing, so I should be able to sit through all of them during this week.
Not much more to say, now it's all a matter of putting in the time to make everything look sexy and making sure all the pieces fit correctly before releasing the chapter. Working on it as you can see in this
example below!