beta is released and axel is fixed
but there is still issue with last two/three days of update for lena:
bug or how to call it with tattoo on ch9?
lena comes to jess tattoo shop on saturday. she picked tattoo, pays for it (another "bug": all tattoos are costing +1$ since first visit: 1-2-3$ then, 2-3-4$ now) and jess said to her to come for tattoo on sunday/tomorrow. lena confirms:
lena continued with her day. night turns to another day but no sunday sign as usual (as saturday photo above) just night turns into morning in her bedroom (is this reason for losing activity for that day?):
during that sunday there is nothing about tattoo or option to go shopping
monday starts normally with monday screen and story moves to seymour quest
anyone knows anything about that? is dev aware?