"{image=icon_lust.webp}Tease Perry" if (stalkfap_pro > 0 and lena_lust > 7) or stalkfap_pro > 1:
$ v10_tease_perry = True
"I got scared at first, but I found his shocked expression amusing."
p "I'm s--sorry, I d--didn't know you were here...! You s--s--startled me."
l "Don't worry... I forgot you could be here, too. I should've asked your permission to use the shower. And the coffee maker."
l "Want some?"
p "Actually, y--yeah..."
l "I'll prepare it for you."
"Perry looked at the floor, where the towel lay still. He was obviously fighting his urge to direct indiscreet glances at my body."
l "What's the matter? It's not like this is the first time you've seen me naked!"
p "W--well, y--yeah, b--but that time was different..."
l "How so?"
p "It j--just was."
l "Would you feel more comfortable if I covered up?"
p "..."
p "P--p--p--probably, yeah."
l "Too bad, models love to be naked around the house."
"I decided I had teased him enough and picked up the towel."