PilotLara , I think there's a bug during Ian and Lena conversation at the beach. If Lena is faithful and Ian it's over Gillian and he has not fucked Cindy or were not caught by Jeremy and Ivy so Lena doesn't know. And also Ian has been cheating on Lena and decided to continue doing so.
# IAN LENA PURE ###########################################################################################################################################
if ian_lena_couple and ian_lena_crisis == False and gillian_stop and ian_cindy_sex == False and ian_cheating != 2:
# IAN LENA COUPLE CRISIS ###########################################################################################################################################
elif (ian_lena_couple and ian_lena_crisis) or (ian_lena_couple and ian_cindy_sex) or (ian_lena_couple and gillian_stop == False):
elif ian_cindy_sex:
elif gillian_stop == False: # gillian
# ian cheating == 2
The else part of the code that it's intended to deal with the particular case I described is never entered because its parent elif is missing "or (ian_cheating == 2)".
Ian only gives the necklace to Lena in their pure romantic path, so there are some cases where you met the conditions to buy the necklace but not for gifting it to Lena.
Buy a gift for Lena" if ian_lena_dating and ian_lena_love and ian_money > 0 and v12_gift == "n"
# IAN LENA PURE ###########################################################################################################################################
if ian_lena_couple and ian_lena_crisis == False and gillian_stop and ian_cindy_sex == False and ian_cheating != 2: