Well, she could for example drop the idea of making Jack into a relationship option. Keep him around as a fuck option, but don't waste time developing a route for an old character.
She could close Robert off for Lena if she wanted to and just keep him around for the occasional still image with Holly, that doesn't necessarily take a ton of development time. Though, just because he's fucked Holly doesn't necessarily mean he will again, for all we know Holly's fine with having just bedded him once too. Robert's been in the game since the start so I don't think he'd necessarily be a prudent cut either.
I would perhaps limit the Gillian route, since she came into the story late and hasn't even really started again. If Eva starts making scenes for her and Ian it'll obviously add to the development time and now Ian's supposed to get routes with Louise and Ivy too.
Alternatively she could be lying to herself. With a strained relationship she might just feel the sex with Ian is great because it's just different and it's not necessarily because he's particularly proficient in bed or more physically endowed than Wade.