Lena is either emotionally reserved about getting back into it when there are feelings involved or she is not- she is such a contradictory character to be all upset about the 3-somes or sex other people are having- but sneak around behind other people's backs and do the same thing she was mad about to other people.
Like- you cannot be mad about being cheated on- but sneak behind Louise's back and fuck Jeremy. You cannot be mad about being cheated on, but sneak behind Ian's back and fuck Axel. You cannot be mad about being cheated on, but sneak around behind Mike's gf's back.
You cannot be super hurt about Ian sleeping with Holly and not be super hurt about Ivy sleeping with Holly.
Her characterization is frustratingly inconsistent- either she needs some consistency or she is a bit of a hypocritical bitch.
Obviously none of this is inconsistent if she isn't doing any of those things- but still....
I don't see it as character inconsistency, only Lena being hypocritical. She's got some principles in theory, but could be very bad at following them in practice. She does reflect on her own hypocrisy several times in her inner monologue, especially if she decides to be in a relationship with Ian and then sleeps with Axel.
I guess you can see it as a coping strategy, maybe? To prevent herself from getting hurt again, she makes sure — consciously or unconsciously — to instead be the one going behind people's backs herself. It's certainly not the most healthy coping strategy, neither for her or the people around her, but still.
So about the clothes you can buy for the two: Are they giving a buff to the shown stats, is it just for visual or why are there the symbols for the stats?
Thx in advance!
The symbols mean you need a certain amount of points for that stat to buy the clothes. As PervySageKem pointed out, it can affect the relationship points with others. Like in chapter 9, when Seymour isn't particularly impressed if Lena shows up in her gymwear after he told her to dress up. (But it's worth it, though.)