Might be tough to do in Das3d. I applaud the effort. But I see OG Lena's facial features as a lot more smooth and less bony. In-game Lena also has hints of more babyfat on her face that women tend to start losing around the age of 25-26 when visible signs of aging start to ever so slowly kick in. Definite differences in nose, cheeks and jawline, with chin more pointed and face generally thinner in the Das interpretation. Eyes more youthful and open in OG (game) Lena also. Beyond the blue hair, I still wouldn't guess it was Lena from sight unless stated in the post, tbh. Looks good. Just doesn't look much like her tbh. Though I've never been a fan of Das in general.
Yes. Recreating a character from another game from scratch is a lot of work. Especially if it's a different engine, and especially not 3D.
This is my third attempt at recreating a non-DAZ character and I'm just learning, I mean it's a lot easier to create your own character than it is to recreate already existing.
I also experimented with DAZ models for the ORS characters a while ago but grew frustrated and lost interest due to not getting anywhere with some of them.
Dude, that's a good try. Very good. Ivy is not very successful, but I like Cindy and Holly. In the case of Cindy, it was worth making the skin lighter and working on facial emotions. Best by hand, not auto-expressions.
Axel really looks like a Nazi from biolabs, lacks an SS uniform.

Sorry to hear you dropped it.
By the way, what kind of lighting did you use in these scenes? It looks incredible.