What is his complexity? What is his goals, what does he want? Why is the way he is? We know nothing about Jeremy. All we know is that he has a big cock and trains MMA, (all melinated men have 12" dicks in Evas Universe

). Other than this, he hangs out in what is supposed to be a somewhat upper-tier nightclub, bartendering in a t-shirt, torn jeans and sneakers

. His only interaction with Lena is his big dick, and with Ian it's sending him pictures of said dick and occationally spar. To me he's a racial stereotype that fills some of f95s boys bbc fetish. And that's ok and all, but he's not a complex character. He along with Mike is ORS equivalent of Kevin and Iris friend (forgot his name) from GGGB. Walking, talking dildos.
This is one of the aspects of Evas writing I don't like, her male characters get underdeveloped personalities. I think all the girls are getting some agenda and goals. Take Cherry, who get's a fraction of the screen time Jeremy does, has a much deeper personality, she has dreams and aspirations of modeling, she is a artist and she intertwine with Lenas story, she comes into Axels story etc. etc. While we are suposed to have this moral dilemma in the Wade/Cindy angle, but Wade is so underdeveloped, that I don't really care about him. etc.