Well this is a nice book you wrote but I never said it's funny, at least not in the way you think. But clearly my comment struck a nerve with your "6ft 4, 'okay' looking" persona, for whatever reason.
You didn't struck a nerve at all, it's just that every single time I come on this thread there is ALWAYS people talking shit about others and what type of fans they are based on the character or fetish they like and it's exhausting. Last time I came here was months ago and there was already some people annoying those who liked Stan, nothing changed.
I described myself to prove that the cliché you had in mind is wrong, nothing more.
People can enjoy whichever character they like, I myself enjoy Ian and Jeremy (not much of choice), which is why I like games like ORS since it gives variety of choices that appeals to variety of fetishes/preferences. That being said, saying you like Stan because "He is not like the other girls" is laughable and saying every other guy is the same but Stan is special is laughably wrong.
I know my english is far from perfect but I never said Stan wasn't "like the other girls" (whatever that means) ? I also never said that Stan was more special than the other male characters, but that some people (including me) prefers him and that's my point, everybody has a favorite ! You don't have to be a dick about it, even as a joke ! And if your goal wasn't to be rude, what was the point of this : "Stan represents large amount of people from this fanbase so it's not surprising they like him." ? And don't tell me it's just a simple phrase with no meaning, not with the way you said it and the post you replied it to.
And it's only my opinion but beside Stan Perry and Seymour yes, the other guys are pretty much the same in their attitudes, so not that interesting to follow as a love interest for Lena. But for example I like Jeremy as Ian friends, or Axel as the one who corrupts Cindy. Again it's my opinion, but EVERYBODY has one, there is absolutely nothing "laughably wrong" with it. Mine doesn't prevail over yours, and yours doesn't prevail over the others. Just be respectul you know...
You either like Stan because he fulfills the quota of you fetish or you see yourself the most as him, not because "he isn't like the other girls" nonsense.
Again that's your opinion ! Yes it could be for the fetishes, but like I said it also could be to see how his relation with Lena or Louise will evolve, he's interesting because if Lena take his path he's down the rabbit hole of corruption right here with her as her photograph. From where he starts I think he's also (with Holly) the character with the most potential of growth/evolution of the game and I really like these types of character who don't seem like much at the beggining of a story. And I also like his "nice pervert" vibe instead of the common rapey douchebag stalker, it's a trope I almost didn't see at all for a non-MC character in other VNs.
Sure, why not Axel. He is tall and handsome, wouldn't mind being him. But i don't see myself as porn game characters.
Exactly, thank you for proving my first point, you don't see yourself as a porn game character and most of the people don't. Same for Stan fans. But some still do and I just don't see why this is a problem for some of you. The fact that people relates to porn game character just show (for me) that the VN is good/well written.
Anyway, as you called my first post a "book" I'm not even sure you'll read this one so I'll stop here.
This last part is for everyone not just for you.
There is already DOZENS of pages filled with disrespectful comments like this, wether it's about peoples opinion/taste or about people themselves. WE GET IT you don't have the same opinion, move on, there is already thousands of posts on this topic so nobody's saying anything new (sadly this also applies to me I know).
Call me naive or candid but the real world is already sad & violent enough, there is negativity everywhere and I'm so sick of it so don't bring it here please ! We are ALL here for a fucking fap, no need to be a dick ffs
ps: there is probably english mistakes everywhere sorry about that but I already spent to much of my sunday talking about this. I just hope it's clear enough. Have a good day !