Man I'm really disappointed, all that effort Eva went through just to add a pony-tail and a few lines of dialogue to Stan? Smh. I'm sorry but when Eva started this odyssey under the guise of making Stan a legitimate male love interest for Lena, I thought she'd give him something close to a sex scene in the remaster. What is the point of Stan? Lena will only ever give Stan positive reinforcement despite Stan doing nothing to deserve it. Every line of dialogue he has is him wallowing in self-pity. It got to the point where the old Stan was a more attractive love interest, because when he wears that dumbass fedora during the live show, at least he exudes some confidence. This version of Stan cries about how much of a fat loser he is and honestly might be a worse love interest than Robert. Because even if Robert is vapid and has no personality, he got work done in the remaster that makes him 10% less of a douche bag, and extra sex scenes too. So 6 months for Stan to change for the worse, some extra scenes here and there, a reworked tutorial, and the inclusion of Gillian and white Billy. Disappointing.