
Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I don't remember if it is mentioned that Axel gave Cherry an impression that Lena knows about AxelxCherry (it might be the case but not mentioned). Lena straight up said Axel was involved with with Cherry way before their threesome and found out later. Just this info is available to us.
When did they have a threesome? Is that only revealed on Cherry route? Or maybe I just can't remember.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
After the last run of the Ian/Lena couple, I'm totally disappointed in Alison. The situation is this: I didn't have any sexual connection with her in the whole game, the only thing was that Jeremy sent photos and videos.
After the art gallery, Alison begins to aggressively impose on Ian, inviting him home. Okay, I agreed because I just wanted to talk like a friend about Gillian.
But it was disgusting of her to try to seduce Ian, knowing he was in a relationship with Lena and take offense after the refusal.
This is yandere maximum level, it looks like psychopathy and obsession. Probably in the next episodes, Alison will put a gun to Ian's head, demanding attention. :LOL:
I wouldn't really call it yandere level, but i agree Alison was pushy and out of the line there. Though it's not exactly unexpected, given she made quite a few attempts to catch Ian's interest in the past, and her invitation is obviously another such try, easily avoided by simply not going to her place if Ian acts responsibly. So if Ian does take her up on it, she can easily convince herself he's on board with it, hence the drunk attempt.

In my game, since i play mostly for the drama, i've decided that Ian still reeling over Gillian showing up and his earlier dream, Alison's sudden change of appearance and a night of drinking was enough of excuse to momentarily lose himself. I'm planning for him to honestly try to put a stop to it once he sobers up, but if it turns out to create complications, then all the better :sneaky:
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I wouldn't really call it yandere level, but i agree Alison was pushy and out of the line there. Though it's not exactly unexpected, given she makes quite a few attempts to catch Ian's interest in the past, and her invitation is obviously another such try, easily avoided by simply not going to her place if Ian acts responsibly. So if Ian does take her up on it, she can easily convince herself he's on board with it, hence the drunk attempt.

In my game, since i play mostly for the drama, i've decided that Ian still reeling over Gillian showing up and his earlier dream, Alison's sudden change of appearance and a night of drinking was enough of excuse to momentarily lose himself. I'm planning for him to honestly try to put a stop to it once he sobers up, but if it turns out to create complications, then all the better :sneaky:
I like drama, but I like betrayal more. If both sides are cheating, it's no longer fucked up. They just deserve each other lol. That's why one party is a morally infallible person while the other is a cheating bastard on my two main runs.


Sep 2, 2021
So, I've been playing one of my three saved routes each day, to make the update last a little longer, and now have done a quick catch-up on the ~40 pages of updates since the release. Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong, but my sense is that around 2/3rds of the comments have been overall negative towards ch11, many centering on length of gameplay, absence of significant plot development, and continued lack of any M/F scene with Ivy. And around 1/3rd have been overall positive, citing Holly corruption, a knockout Cindy and scene, and the inventiveness of things like the shower scene, Lena's mirror scene with Seymour, and Ian's naughty dream of Gillian. That's a broad impression; I know everyone will have their own particular likes and dislikes.

I find myself in the middle of things. For what is there, I liked the update quite a lot. Holly's my girl, and two of my saves are solid HollyxIan and solid Holly corruption (ie. everyone but Ian), so I was over the moon with the two IanxHolly scenes, the shower scene, and the pics with Mark - though we should've gotten more than just two. (FWIW, I didn't get the bug in my IanxHolly game where she went with Mark anyway.) The idea of HollyxRobert is a pairing I never even thought of, and now I really want it... so Holly can gain both corruption and confidence by being the too-willing sub Robert wants in bed, and then dumping him because he's a whiny bitch.

In my ChadIan playthrough, where he just wants this to be a harem game, I went with Cherry early on, partly because Alison is way too needy, partly to cockblock Perry from Cherry. (ChadIan scores with Emma and steals Cinders too, he's alpha all the way. No homo.) And I haven't seen more than a couple of posts talking about it, but I have to say I was really impressed with Cherry's social scenes in the art gallery and bar, and the long sex scene with Ian at her apartment. I like the increasing complexity of Cherry as a character, and the sex scene was very hot.

Unlike most people, I think Seymour had a stellar chapter, basically controlling Lena's entire perception of herself by the end of the mirror scene (if you play that way), to the point that Lena honestly wants to ask him to touch her, though it doesn't happen - this time. And even if your Lena rejected him a long time ago (as she does in my LenaxIan route), there's the development I should have seen coming but didn't, where Seymour approaches Ian with the initial overtures of a similar (so far non-sexual) relationship with Ian, strongly hinting that he can be handed the book contest on a platter.

But also, like most people, I felt ch11 to be "short" or at least "shorter" after the heft of ch10. No Axel or Jessica or Nat at all, Jeremy and Emma only for brief exposition stuff, treading water with Cinders (and Wade and Ian, no matter your playthrough), no advance in the MMA tourney or Ian's work for Victor or the status of the café. The barest appearance of Miranda as basically a background character. (In my HollyxIan game, she starts chatting with Holly at the end of Ivy's class, preempting Holly in the shower with Ivy entirely - Ivy and Lena have fun instead.)

One or two people have mentioned that the impression of a shorter update has more to do with the non-sex situations, and I'd agree. My take is: too many characters are in a waiting period. Ian's book is submitted but the contest won't be over until September, Holly's second book is done but not yet published, Emma's community center hasn't done another event yet. Wade's not in another tournament yet, the nebulous MMA thing doesn't seem to be on the horizon, the Wildcats situation has been decided for Cindy but (it's implied) little or nothing has started with that. Billy's big new agency plans haven't come together yet. Point being, there's not enough stuff for the characters to just talk about in ch11.

Also, there's no real group hangout, which is always good for chat. The closest thing we get is the art gallery & bar after, but that's with a very limited number of people. Where's a good game of pool at the Fortress? Where's a pizza hangout with the Cards Against Humanity knockoff game at Perry & Ian's place? Partying at Blazer? A trip to the mall? Lena writes a song in this chapter but there's no group event like a concert or a life-drawing session at the café. And I don't need a retread of those things specifically, but my point is without a real hangout somewhere in the chapter, it feels a lot more like just a string of sex setups and payoffs. And I like those. But I also like the way Eva's characters interact in a non-sexual way, and not really having that makes the chapter feel slim.

Here's the thing. I think most of us were surprised by Eva's structure to this chapter. I'd also say that's on us to adapt to and accept, not a legit way to complain about Eva or the game. We all pretty much expected that, since ch10 was the planned midpoint, what was set up in the first half would start getting resolved in the second. And I'm sure it will, just not yet, and that's thrown us. Instead of starting to consolidate and resolve plotlines (MMA, Wildcats, LenaxHolly, etc.), Eva is letting those be for now, and is laying groundwork for new minor or maybe major plots: Gillian's return, Ivy starting to come onto Ian and perhaps vice versa, Holly expanding from lesbian sex to non-Ian hetero sex, Lena's Mom's illness being more of a story thing than I think anyone expected, Ian being able to sleep with Alison even if he's been rejecting her so far, Stan maybe getting a kiss from Lena and --horrors-- the potential of a real relationship with her. Our expectations for ch11 seem to have run up against Eva's actual storytelling, but that's not on Eva, that's on us. And I include myself in that - I wanted more story progression than we got. But at the end of the day, what's here, I really like.

And I wanted to see Ivy with some guy - any guy - and utterly dominate both his ego and his dick. But during her convo with Ian, where she has all these questions for him, and observations on how he shouldn't trust this person and that person, I realized: yes, Axel and Seymour are the big bads of the game. But what if Lena tore up Axel's pictures and refused to talk with him, what if she rejected Seymour's offer? There still needs to be an antagonist - and that's Puppetmaster Ivy. She's already been showing her true colors with how she treats Holly, and Lena has been steadily given opportunities to fall into her clutches. And now she's starting to get interested, in her self-centered and deliciously evil way, in Ian as well.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
I like drama, but I like betrayal more. If both sides are cheating, it's no longer fucked up. They just deserve each other lol. That's why one party is a morally infallible person while the other is a cheating bastard on my two main runs.
I feel in this particular case having one side blatantly cheating while other being Holly-level earnest would be just a repeat of what already happened to them. Which has it appeal, sure, but i went for these two to genuinely try to make things work between them, yet finding a number of hurdles in their way -- neither got over their former partner, so Lena has her axel_desire and genuinely got impressed with Seymour on top of that, while Ian indulged in his fascination with Cindy (though they broke it off afterwards) and now got tripped by Alison.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
Emma's community center hasn't done another event yet
Emma's community center has literally just opened in Ch.11 (which, btw was another of these get-together events you say the chapter was lacking) so i don't think this one is particularly realistic complaint :v

the nebulous MMA thing doesn't seem to be on the horizon
Ian pays the signup fee and takes his advanced training in this chapter precisely because the MMA thing is on the horizon and about to happen really soon now.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 19, 2022
I did another playthrough and i discovered new little details i never knew about
For bonus points, dominant Ian has different line in that last picture, that makes Lena cum even harder.

The Pikachu thing is Eva's joke, since Lena can only pass the attribute check necessary for that option with cheats enabled.


Aug 4, 2021
I feel like that people who ties Gillian to only NTR shit are missing a lot of opportunities. Firstly, we never got background story why she cheated on mc in the first place. When they finally talked with each other, Gillian seem guilty as fuck; she looked like someone who regretted her decision.

Secondly, if she is truly Mike's girlfriend, she could be cucked by Lena and it would be interesting to see her reaction. In another words, she would get the taste of her own medicine lmao. Here we have a lot of interesting scenarios.

If Ian is in relationship with Lena, he gets cucked by Lena and Mike as well. He with Gillian would draw closer sharing the same grief what eventually leads to the restoration of their relationship.

In another case, Gillian develops her own cuckqueen fetish and starts to lose it, or maybe gets vengeful at Lena and starts to sabotage her.

So far, we know for sure that Eva would make netorare route with Gillian for Ian, however, I hope it would not be limited only to it.

Geralt From Rivia

Conversation Conqueror
Jun 15, 2022
I wouldn't really call it yandere level, but i agree Alison was pushy and out of the line there. Though it's not exactly unexpected, given she made quite a few attempts to catch Ian's interest in the past, and her invitation is obviously another such try, easily avoided by simply not going to her place if Ian acts responsibly. So if Ian does take her up on it, she can easily convince herself he's on board with it, hence the drunk attempt.

In my game, since i play mostly for the drama, i've decided that Ian still reeling over Gillian showing up and his earlier dream, Alison's sudden change of appearance and a night of drinking was enough of excuse to momentarily lose himself. I'm planning for him to honestly try to put a stop to it once he sobers up, but if it turns out to create complications, then all the better :sneaky:
I'm suck for big drama, always have in my top games one save, when everything will burn in the end. But one thing I will get around, I will never cheat on Lena. It's just not fair to her.
And I still don't have a run for Alison, her vibes are just boring. I only considered her as a character for sex content in the early episodes, nothing more.
Cherry is much more interesting.
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Dec 20, 2022
If Ian is an "average guy" then I reeeeeeeally need to just give up on life.
Ian is very clearly around 8 inches. The international average of white males is 5.9 inches. The idea that he is small comes from men who have never showered at a gym, and watch too much porn.

It annoys me as someone who dwarfs the average, because all these fucking weirdoes, who can only fap when they see a guy with elephantitis of the cock, - the literal "one in a million" freak of nature - want me to believe that being a whole 50% bigger than the average is inadequate.

It's like all these stupid fucking women who think $300k is the average salary for a man.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I think this chapter was really well done by EK. Writing is hard. She had to get in a lot of exposition and set up stuff for later chapters -- not the most exciting or explosive developments, but it's necessary. And so she threw in lots of good sex stuff to make things interesting.

One of the biggest things teased in this chapter was the prospect of the whole gang being invited to Perry's beach house for a weekend. A LOT of potential drama there -- that will probably be the chapter where a bunch of things come to a head. But you have to build up some of these plotlines a little more to get there.
This is the moment Alison was waiting for her whole life. She will murder Lena and take her rightful place as Ian's one and only.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2018
LenaXNo(t yet)AffairNoNo? open?NoY Robert tells
HollyNo(t yet)XNoNoY (Affair?)Y (Affair?)No
EmmaNo? Open?Y (Affair?)Open?NoXOpen?Open
CherryNoY (Affair?)Open?NoOpen?XOpen
MinervaY Robert tellsNoOpen?AffairOpenOpenX

The latest chapters ended several relationships if Ian dated multiple girls, so was going through a few combinations to sort and guess future developments. No Ivy and Jessica for now, they haven't even started dating Ian.

Lena: Trinity is on the work, Catfight with Cindy will be epic (especially with Axel), Alison can work if Lena and Ian swing, but Alison backs down if Ian is serious. Emma backs down as well, though she doesn't with a swinging Lena I recall? Cherry backs down. A pure affair can work, but if Ian pursues Minerva romantically, then Lena will likely hear it, specifically from Robert. There is also that chapter 2 "Lena making fun of Minerva" flag.

Holly: Trinity, no Cindy, Alison backs down if Ian doesn't dismiss Holly after they slept with each other. Minerva backs off to spare Holly pain. Emma and Cherry are currently open. Open Holly and Chad Ian may entangle with them, but pure romantic Holly may be cheated with Emma and Cherry. However, Emma is too nice to cuck Holly long term, she ought to adress this issue with Ian.

Cindy: Since the premise is an affair, Ian can be with everyone except Holly. Outing themselves to their friends is a gamechanger, regardless, so much drama is to be expected.

Alison: Chad Ian can have her aside other girls, but a romantically inclined Ian can't have feelings for other girls, or she quits. Only Cindy and Minerva are fair game, but only because she doesn't know about these two in particular.

Emma: Free spirited and FwB currently, she only backs down if he is serious with Lena and is only unavailable if Ian wants to have Alison stay. She needs to adress this with Ian if he dates other girls long-term.

Cherry: Doesn't work with Lena and Alison to avoid drama, but doesn't know about the other girls. Needs to properly date Ian in the first place, being seen with Axel bodes ill as well.

Minerva: Similar to Cindy, since their relationship is an affair to begin with. Holly is off the table and Lena may interfer long-term. Ambiguous relationship (do they keep cheating until forever? Would their leave their respective partners?)
Lenastill WiPCheating / FBCheating / FBNO / FBNO?Cheating / FB
HollyNOCheating / FBYesYesNO
CindyCheating / FBYesYesYes
AlisonNow possible?NOYes

FB= Fuckbuddies

Lena/Holly/Ian is a tangled mess I'm not even getting into.
Lena/Cindy is getting adressed sooner or later, considering Ivy and Axels schemes.
Lena/Alison with open relationship still works? I never did it myself, Alison usually broke up. More importantly, we can now cheat on Lena officially with her.
Lena/Emma is just as in chapter 10. Lena "hangs out" with Emma, so a FB/threesome is on the way.
Lena/Cherry apparantly can work with open relationship, I could never made it happen, but now Ian can drop Lena to focus on Cherry? A good move, because both characters hing on not wanting to with each others, so its inconsistent that they allow Ian to fuck them both.
Lena/Minerva works as just FB, but faithfull Lena likely gets informed by Robert.

Holly/Allison may work if Ian casually dates both (my Alison drops him in chapter 8), but as with Lena, Alison can now destroy Ian/Holly.
Wonder if Ian can get both Holly and Cindy one day. If Chad Ian dates Cindy and Holly is on slut path, she may have enough courage to ask him again. Dropping him just because he didn't had time for the book event is giving up too fast.
Still possible to date Holly while dating Emma and Cherry(?), really wonde rhow long Holly will put up with that or if Slut Holly accepts it. Holly/Minerva was ended in chapter 10 and could only get ressurected if Ian corrupts Minerva enough and if corrupted Holly tries a second time to get Ians attention.

Cindy/Alison still works, but she can already lose relationship points with Ian and Alison likely won't accept it when they finally commit. Otherwise, the Cindy path is shut off from most woman not named Lena.

Alison/Emma was blocked, now she can admit her jealousy and likely try again. Its not like Ian and Emma are commiting any time soon, enough time for Alison to give it another go.
Alison/Cherry is still blocked. Cherry is one of the few flags that prevent Alison from seducing Ian. Maybe she would feel more guilty if she betrays her coworker than Lena and Holly, girls she doesn't know personally.

Emma is still loose with almost anyone. Man, if Ian can't get married to her, at least let him be married to her ass to counter Lenas obsession with Jeremys dick.
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