but if lena goes down the slutty/mean route ivy never like stuck up poeple so standart holly should seem pretty boring to her thats just ivys personality I mean sure ivy like holly if she can watch her (grow) and teach her things and corrupt her but for ivy to hang around standart holly I am sorry but that makes zero sens for me
and my guess is that lena can go down the slutty/mean path kick dogs,steal money .... and in the future my guess would be work for billy with ivy ,do more drugs , work in the club with ivy and many more things....I really see no reason how this typ of lena and ivy would love to have philosophical discussions with holly or talk about books or her boring relationship with ian were ivy would fall asleep I just dont see it
If you base your take of their friendship strictly on Ivy's lifestyle, then by your logic, shouldn't she find not-slutty Lena who is in love with Ian boring as well? Why does she keep asking her out to hang out and stuff if she knows that this type of Lena will never agree with her on her attempts to manipulate people or fuck without concern for anybody? Maybe because Ivy feels lonely and simply likes Lena's company, regardless of whether Lena does her bidding or not? She likes being friends with Lena period, she doesn't make condition for their friendship. She doesn't get mad at Lena for anything, not for refusing to see Axel, not for protecting Holly, not for dating Ian, not even for lezzing out with Louise. Relationship drops are always minimal and don't really affect their day-to-day interactions.
If she can hang out with "boring" Lena, then she can tolerate "boring" Holly's company, too, simply because she's Lena's friend. She even tolerated Louise when she was brought over, and she hates Louise.
If you can't understand why slutty Lena would keep hanging out with "boring" Holly, then she doesn't drop her hobbies simply because of her love for sex and kinks. She's still a songwriter, she's still a book reader, canonically, on any path, regardless of your influence. Because it has always been her passion, but one she denied herself for more accessible endeavors (easy to work as a model, hard to make a career as a singer). So, no matter what you do, she'll always have things in common with Holly, even if they're very different. Besides, they still share Ian as their mutual friend. Even if they broke up, they don't just stop talking to each other. Ivy is not the only person in Lena's life.
the difference is we are talking about a VIDEOGAME and a dev that has limited time so shallow down path like good girl gone bad (I like ors overall better and I like the cheracters more in ors so dont get me wrong I LOVE holly,cindy,alison,gillian way more) but gggb did this thing better with different kind of path you had less split personaltie for example steal with lena,kick dog,cheat,make fun with ivy about minvera and all this mean girl stuff and play her more like a highschool bully and than have moral monologe/and i need to repsect ian and holly and cant corrupt her with that typ of lena meh dosent make sens to me
I can give you this, that there are, in fact, inconsistencies with Lena's personality. It has to do with the lack of morality tracking. There are no Good / Bad points. In GGGB, the whole game was built on that mechanic so she couldn't choose to do bad things without having some bad karma or vice versa, if she fell too deep, some of the selfless / caring / moralizing actions were inaccessible to her. However, it still wasn't perfect, because some good / bad bonuses were arbitrary, there wasn't room for grey actions. However, even in GGGB the game only locked you into 4 separate paths very late in the game (Good/ Slut / Thug / Bimbo). Until then, you could do pretty much whatever you wanted, sleep with whomever you wanted, date whoever you wanted, pick any career (work in office while modeling and camming at the same time) etc.
But in my opinion, it's not that GGGB was done better, it's just some of Lena's parts have bad writing for the old time's sake. Sometimes, Eva includes bad choices like kicking a dog for nothing else but shits and giggles. That doesn't do anything for Lena's character (no way to track the morality of that action), it only drops her friendship with Emma a bit. And that kind of approach just doesn't fit a more serious and more complex narrative of ORS. I imagine that Agenda points were introduced into the game as a replacement for Good / Bad points; They should control whether Ian or Lena can do shitty / noble actions with other characters based on whether they were good friends or bad friends. But this system ended up being too complicated, so in the later chapters it feels more like an after-thought. And on top of it, sometimes you can do shitty things without NPC knowing about it, so their relationship level can't be used to reliably filter Ian or Lena's available actions. Instead, _disposition variables were introduced which really function the same way as Agenda should.
That said, I don't think locking Ian / Lena into distinct paths (whether career based or stat based) is a way to go. Personally, I would just expand on ian_chad / lena_posh variables and introduce maybe ian_bad and lena_bad to track especially bad actions that Ian or Lena can do. Like, treating characters like shit, betraying friends, cheating, breaking the law and other obviously bad actions should contribute to that score, and then some actions could be locked behind this _bad variable or the dialogue could simply differ based on their current morality, just like with Good / Bad Jess. Without it, there are going to be double standards and hypocritical actions / dialogues.