I agree : big or little dicks, this is questionning the "male power". It's in a virtual world and we must be aware of that. The world of our fantasms is a free world. When you live your real sex life, it does'nt matter : it's only you and the girl (if you're a man) in the present. Confronting big an little dicks is only part of fantasies...
I agree also for condoms or not : in your real sex life, the decision is made with the girl. You have to use a condom for her safety and yours, until you can reach a step without it... But in our world of fantasms, with spontaneous and limitless sex, animalistic instincts, perversion... gallons of sperm have no consequences and everything becomes bleeching, greasy... it's not a question of love and romance : you're not playing this game to see how kind and responsible you can be with your partner, you play those games to feel some emotions when you forget the rules... You can read the books of the Marquis de Sade : some scenes can make you vomit, without any intellectual pleasure, but there can be also really exciting ones.
In virtual sex (when i'm only watching : porn, comix, stories), i like BB, DV, GB... But in real life, i enjoy every moment of intimacy with my partner, the morning after... So, let's play those games that take you into deep perversion !