I didn't like the ending of my last playthrough (Perry got frustrated and kicked everyone out, his friendship with Ian seemed ruined and Wade was dumped by Cindy).
Ok, so I started from the beginning. My main focus was to be as supportive to Ian friends as possible (Perry, Wade and Emma - cause they are the only ones Ian owns any loyalty), select only 1 LI for Ian and stick to it (I chose Emma cause she is the only one I find interesting).
The outcome, however, wasn't satisfacting either: all I managed was to help Perry with Cherry which eventualy made the rejection by Emma less hard for him. However, despite my efforts and all of the support, Wade ended again being dumped by Cindy.
That drives me to the conclusion that in order to change the final I actually have to work against Wade's interest and help Cindy instead. Their relacion is clearly toxic and common sense doesn't apply (obviously). It's a little bit silly cause Ian owns Cindy nothing and, TBH, she is the last character I would do any favours.
So, what is the solution here: help her get through the modeling sessions and befriend her (yuck!)? Won't that backfire on Ian's relation with Wade?