Okay I'll say my two piece about Seymour. Is Seymour evil? Well from what I've seen, no. Still doesn't stop him from being the main antagonist for the Game though. Based on his actions, philosophy and values, he fits the alignment of a chaotic neutral.
Which is to say that he values freedom and individuality above all else. Even if his freedom deprives others of their own and oppresses them. He believes he should be above the law and everyone should have his same perspective on things. Now I would still argue that he is indeed a bad person even if he may not perceive himself to be one. He is very selfish in his way of doing things and this includes blacklisting Lena in order to entice her to enter a contract with him and ultimately be with him. When he tells Ian about why he blacklisted Lena and he says he merely did it to "motivate" her, I don't believe he was lying. He genuinely did not see what he did as a bad thing.
Now I believe
Turret may have some confusion with the whole universal continuity thing. Like
fatpussy123 and
Gicoo have said, a lot of things are constant in every ORS universe and that includes Seymour blackballing Lena. Just because Ian and Lena are not privy to his foul play does not suddenly change Seymour's character. Yes he comes of as nicer but this just means Lena and Ian are ignorant about who he really is. But I don't agree with using certain tags in the game to say a character is a certain way. Lena and Ian also have "evil" tags for their expressions. Some examples are when Lena doms Louise for the first time and Ian doms Minerva in the hotel. An evil tag is used for their expressions. Does this then mean Lena and Ian are evil? I think not.
Axel though is a different story. But that is another discussion for another time.