I am curious, and I hope you don't mind my openly asking this of you directly like this, how do you think a scene like this is ideally written?
Let's say the purpose of the scene is to 1. Bring up the topic of the transgender and the transsexual, 2. Bring up pornography categories in relation to such persons, 3. Have one character (for example Perry) that enjoys the pornographic content of this nature and one character (for example Wade) that shows a clear dislike for it.
Obviously persons that dislike or are intolerant of transgender persons exist, so how do we depict them in a way that is realistic, while allowing the player character to either be neutral to or disagree/agree with the various notions presented, depending on what the player wants them to express?
Of course I don't mind giving my opinion if you're interested.
The first thing imo is that if the only time trans people are even remotely mentioned is to discuss someone's porn interests, you're already doing it wrong lol. Now, this is erotica so there's some more leeway there, but I think it's still indicative of the author's attitude towards trans people.
Consider a similar scenario but with black people instead: imagine there's no black characters at all in the game, and the first time black people are even mentioned is when someone comments on how despicable is "n****r porn". That would be pretty appalling, wouldn't it?
So, with that being said. IF she really doesn't want to have trans representation at all, and IF she really needs to have a discussion about trans porn in the game, and IF one of the characters present in the discussion needs to be very shitty about it (notice there's already 3 conscious decisions that got us to this point), having this character use the most offensive slur possible is... a choice. Now, some of the characters do call him out on it (though not the player character, which is obviously disappointing), but even those who do react don't seem particularly fazed. Again, imagine the same scenario with black people: if someone used such a strong slur you'd expect the reactions to be more unanimous and more categorical.
In the end, it all seems to amount to a series of decisions that reveal a pretty negative (or completely ignorant) attitude towards trans people, and it's something disappointing to see as someone who generally likes her content otherwise.
Some people even brought Eva's nationality to justify this; well, guess what, I'm from Spain too lol. Lo siento pero no cuela ("I'm sorry, but I don't buy it").
Hope that answers your question.