Ian is always boxed in just like his bearded geek tagged as dead beat friend.
That is his path. He then goes to the gym with his bartender get all gurls buddy.
There things start to look up and he starts getting something.
Ian has no problem getting pussy, like Lena has nor problem getting dick. Issue is that Ian has 6 options but can only choose 2, while Lena has 6 options and can choose all 6. And then at the end be a hypocrite that Ian cannot be trusted because hes sleeping around with her friend Holly (just like she is sleeping with Ian's friend Jeremy).
My actual problem with this storyline is the actual power given to Lena. In all the scenarios people are discussing the ability to forgive or end things lie with Lena. That is not good for the overall story. Ian should have the option to not forgive Lena and break things off with her over multiple points of drama. The Robert revelation, over Holly, and eventually over Jeremy. It's one thing to say they're not a couple, so it's fine, but it's another thing entirely to allow Lena free pass but Ian none. Both of them have cheating exes and are dealing with that prior to the game's start, so BOTH of them should have the option to end things when cheating is revealed whether they're a couple or not. In the Robert situation for instance even if Ian was "disappointed" with Lena over Robert, we're forced to forgive her but she's able to break it off with either. Same situation with Holly. There has to be consequences for Lena too, or this becomes a forced storyline.
Holly is just 4 Ian, she was supposed to stay his option out of a horrid job
and a horrid track record of gurls getting over him.
I agree dev stripped Ian off all gurls, gave him NTR all over,
like his bar tender guy pushing him to pursue his life long BFF babe,
but then actively contending with him for her and then actively sending him
pics of how he got her good, like he gets avery pxxxy all the time.
Then also pushing him forward. So yeah, Ian is boxed in and odds out of his favor.
I can never understand so called friends actively stealing Ians gurl,
while continuously pretending they be friends still,
then doing it again with all gurls.
Fem MC is given the easy way into sex:
Give in to the coworker coming on to her,
the caffee owner drooling over her,
the customer asking for her body,
the BFF banging all that moves right next to her,
then asking for cuddly time ... HAHAHAHHAHAHA!
The crazy pole dancer chick pushing her to ... be a piece of meat,
the eye candy to anyone beating their meat to her.
Realistically, Fem MC is thrown into becoming a whore and accepting actual creeps.