Guys who think, Ian is a short and pathetic protagonist. Don't worry "Eva" has heard your prayers.
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New Ian will be, 6'2 Ultra Chad with monster COCK, women will act slutty and fall in love with him by just looking at him. Then He will create a perfect harem, that will include all women of 'ORS" and Even little PUSSY Lola will love new Ian.!!
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After revamping, In the new update of "ORS" Jeremy will be fucked by Sensei WEN!

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Just kidding!!

guys. I know a lot of people wish that they were playing as Jeremy or Axel but personally, I have played that type of too many AVN's where the male protagonist is some Magic Cock entity and all the girls are waiting for him to conquer them or a boy who wants to fuck their you know. So for me, Ian was a breath of fresh air. I Know he is of average height and does not have a monster DIK. I was quite shocked at Ian's height first also because I am quite tall in real life and being taller helps you a lot with ladies in real life. But height is not only the factor that defines a person. The person has to have a lot of confidence and charisma, be insightful, funny, and don't be an asshole, liar and manipulative and on all those fronts Ian has all that at least compared to most males in "ORS". The game would be less fun for me if I was playing with Axel or Jeremy as protagonists or Ian with ultra-chad looks, with huge Dik, larger height, and Muscular body. He has the best personality traits at least in my opinion.
I don't hate Jeremy, that much and he used to be a nerd like Ian, in the past and something devastating must happen to him to turn his life around to become a wannabe player. I would like if path with Lena x Jeremy is more than some BBC fetish. And Lena is the one who discovers the real Jeremey, who hides behind his facade of wannabe womanizer, but I don't think we will be able to see that path. Let's see it depend on ''Eva'' I can only hope!
I don't have that much problem with seemore. Every story needs a great villain and he is the villain of this story. Even though I have a hunch that
he is Lena's biological father. He is the Godfather of this game. You can like him or hate him but you can't ignore him. I play my Ian as Anti Hero, so It will be fun to see how kind of villain he turns out to be in all paths.
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