Nov 15, 2020
Wouldn't 0.10 effectively be 0.1 in a literal sense lol

She should proceed like 1.0, and then keep releasing it as 1.1, 1.2 (like GGGB) and end it at a full number whenever it's done, eg. Our Red String v3.0 Complete
It’s not completely logical, but it seems to be the norm for naming the different updates. The last number isn't really a decimal, so it just continues how far as needed, whereas the first number basically just tells if the game is finished or not. That's how I understand it, at least. GGGB continued up to 0.31 before version 1.0 — the original final version of the game — and then 1.1 and 1.2 had some new scenes added to a few paths.

Either way that's a technicality. My original point was just to clear up the common misconception that version 0.9 means that the next update will be 1.0, the final one.

Edit: Lol, somehow missed that bleachedturtle had answered this.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
Regular re-writes can kill the potential of a story-oriented game like ORS, especially if they are significant enough to alter the story as a whole. Players have already established their headcanon since we're roughly halfway through the game's development, and if you suddenly go back and change large chunks of the game, it will mess up with their perception. Simply put, the players are familiar with the established characters, and changing them too much is never a good idea.

I'll give you an example: Wade was re-written as a bigger bum than he was initially, but I have to remind myself of the change while replaying through the story because, in the early versions, he was just a regular guy who was feeling bummed out for working a dead-end job, and that's still the lasting impression I have of the character despite the dev's revision. Personally, if the re-writes become a consistent thing, I'll probably wait for the game's completion before touching it again.

Also, I don't think it's fair to compare the ORS re-writes to games, books, movies, tv-series because the re-writes there remain in the writer's room. The consumer can only judge the final product, unlike ORS and other VNs in active development. IMO, Eva's best course of action is to take the time she needs to write the story as she wants instead of revisiting past content every couple of updates.
Agree with all these.
That's why in the beginning I was skeptical that Eva didn't have a full script of her game. But I wasn't losing anything, since I'm not her patron, and I thought if she manage to do that it will be good, if not, whatever, I will look for some other game. It was kinda obvious to me, if you start to work on something big, you don't write the script along the way, but you prepare all the ground beforehand and make changes and rearrangements based on the feedback, if you think it's necessary. But in this case, I'm not surprised at all that she burn out and decided to rewrite characters shortly after. And I pretty sure it will happen again in the future, because she doesn't have a complete picture of the story to work with, just a vague idea, as she herself has admitted in her posts. If she had full script beforehand, she could tell does she like it or not after rereading it.

As for major studios I'll give you one example, that happened with original script of first Matrix, you can find it in internet pretty easy, and if you read it, I'm pretty sure, you will be surprised how deep the original version was. If my memory serves me right, the reason was that they were afraid that people won't accept such grim story, so they rewrote it. But movie production usually tied up with sponsors, so they not free to do what they want. So, yeah, I don't like the rewrites when they happens, because of some outside influence. But here, Eva could easily avoid it, because she don't have major pressure on her, there is always be people who don't like something, and since it's story related changes, it's like spitting at those who liked it before. Since, there is no way to back down and write full story now, the only good thing she could do is to add other characters that will please audience who wanted better male characters. But I already don't have high hopes for this game.
Nov 15, 2020
It was kinda obvious to me, if you start to work on something big, you don't write the script along the way, but you prepare all the ground beforehand and make changes and rearrangements based on the feedback, if you think it's necessary. But in this case, I'm not surprised at all that she burn out and decided to rewrite characters shortly after. And I pretty sure it will happen again in the future, because she doesn't have a complete picture of the story to work with, just a vague idea, as she herself has admitted in her posts. If she had full script beforehand, she could tell does she like it or not after rereading it.
That's the ideal way to do it, absolutely. But if developing the game is your full time job, and you're dependent on getting funding while you're working on it, I don't think it's realistic. I think Eva or someone else recently pointed out that the script is already the length of several Game of Thrones books (or some similar very long books), and just writing the full story would probably be a year of work, at the very least.

Eva lost a good amount of her patrons just in the few months between the end of GGGB and the first release of ORS, and if there had been a year's pause without any new content for her patrons, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't have been many left. The five months before chapter 9 and the three months + for the rework is also a long wait, but that's different because the game is already well underway and we know what we're waiting for.


Mar 26, 2020
I think you guys are overblowing this a lil bit, no ?
It's not a full rewrite of the story. It's one character's arc being changed, prob some other modifications on the side too. But it's not like the whole thing will be different. She's making sure some parts work and flows better.
Tightening up the narrative. Personally I wish more devs would actually do that. I know that's gonna be a controversial take for many here but it is how I feel.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2018
That's the ideal way to do it, absolutely. But if developing the game is your full time job, and you're dependent on getting funding while you're working on it, I don't think it's realistic. I think Eva or someone else recently pointed out that the script is already the length of several Game of Thrones books (or some similar very long books), and just writing the full story would probably be a year of work, at the very least.

Eva lost a good amount of her patrons just in the few months between the end of GGGB and the first release of ORS, and if there had been a year's pause without any new content for her patrons, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't have been many left. The five months before chapter 9 and the three months + for the rework is also a long wait, but that's different because the game is already well underway and we know what we're waiting for.
I don't think such comparison with game of thrones is correct, since there is at least 3(4?) main protagonists with own storylines, dozens of characters, worlds history, families history etc, etc. But that's why it is important to be able to manage finances and leave some of them to be saved. I almost sure, after her huge success on GGB she could manage that, and most patrons would remain anyway. If it was planning beforehand it will be clever to make lesser game if you aware that you won't survive on you savings. What I'm saying is, if she had full story we wouldn't see posts like: Hey, I know there was some arc with character A, so I stretching my head now how it will play out in the future. And if she had full script in her hands, I'm almost sure we could see much more juicy content witch characters, since she wouldn't stretch her head after every chapter, thinking: Oh ok, there was content with Jeremy, now I need to focus on Seymour. Oh wait! There already been content with Stan it is?

Don't get me wrong I generally like this game, not everything, since I think the events could have already be more sex oriented with various characters with less teasing: Cindy's photo sessions, gang bang on the trip with that black guy from the club (forgot his name), depraving other female characters like Cindy and Holly with Lena's help. But just after 1-2 chapters she getting another sudden mind change and instead of story continuation the work stops or postponed by several months. It's not interesting for me to replay this game to see how Wade and Robert changed, since I already have my opinion about them and I never will like Robert no matter how hard she tried to remake him.
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Jun 24, 2017
A good game, although it falls short, in my opinion, of the previous one by the same author.
In which way? Art, music, development, story, content (even though this is something that you can't compare yet - on one side you have a finish product and on the other side you have a product that is still work in progress).
Nov 15, 2020
I don't think such comparison with game of thrones is correct, since there is at least 3(4?) main protagonists with own storylines, dozens of characters, worlds history, families history etc, etc. But that's why it is important to be able to manage finances and leave some of them to be saved. I almost sure, after her huge success on GGB she could manage that, and most patrons would remain anyway. If it was planning beforehand it will be clever to make lesser game if you aware that you won't survive on you savings. What I'm saying is, if she had full story we wouldn't see posts like: Hey, I know there was some arc with character A, so I stretching my head now how it will play out in the future. And if she had full script in her hands, I'm almost sure we could see much more juicy content witch characters, since she wouldn't stretch her head after every chapter, thinking: Oh ok, there was content with Jeremy, now I need to focus on Seymour. Oh wait! There already been content with Stan it is?

Don't get me wrong I generally like this game, not everything, since I think the events could have already be more sex oriented with various characters with less teasing: Cindy's photo sessions, gang bang on the trip with that black guy from the club (forgot his name), depraving other female characters like Cindy and Holly with Lena's help. But just after 1-2 chapters she getting another sudden mind change and instead of story continuation the work stops or postponed by several months. It's not interesting for me to replay this game to see how Wade and Robert changed, since I already have my opinion about them and I never will like Robert no matter how hard she tried to remake him.
The comparison to the Game of Thrones books was only about the length of the script, not about the complexity of the story. And I only remember the statement vaguely, so it might have been something else it was compared to. Either way the point was that the full script, with all its different paths, variations in dialogue etc., is a lot longer than it seems from a playthrough or two, and writing all of it in advance would take a lot of time.

Also the challenge of balancing content for the different paths and characters would've been the same even if Eva wrote the full script in advance — we just wouldn't have the same experience of it, and it wouldn't be as striking if one character was left out of an episode or two, because the wait wouldn't be as long. Eva would still have to find the right flow on how to progress the different storylines simultaneously, the same way she does now.

I can't speak for Eva's finances, but I doubt you become rich from having a couple of thousand patrons, when a good share of that probably go to Patreon and all the people she hires to do background art etc. If this is the game Eva wanted to make, I'm glad she didn't compromise and made a shorter game with a less complex story. Even if that means that the wait for the complete game is longer, and a few rewrites to fix details in already released chapters. The fact that there's less juicy scenes than at the same point of GGGB, is probably not about the development priorities, but rather that this is a slow burner in a way GGGB was not.


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
Eva lost a good amount of her patrons just in the few months between the end of GGGB and the first release of ORS
To be quite blunt about it, a Dev's income isn't the public's responsibility. I don't even know why you would bring it up in the first place.

I think you guys are overblowing this a lil bit, no ?
It's not a full rewrite of the story. It's one character's arc being changed, prob some other modifications on the side too. But it's not like the whole thing will be different. She's making sure some parts work and flows better.
Tightening up the narrative. Personally I wish more devs would actually do that. I know that's gonna be a controversial take for many here but it is how I feel.
Even if it is only one character, the changes are going to be significant enough that I doubt if our old saves are going to work. And even if they do work (somehow) it would be necessary to play through the entire game again to react appropriately to the changes in Stan.
Nov 15, 2020
To be quite blunt about it, a Dev's income isn't the public's responsibility. I don't even know why you would bring it up in the first place.
It should be pretty clear from my post and the one I responded to. With the Patreon model it's significantly smarter to do the writing as you develop the game rather than doing it in advance, which would involve a long period without any new game updates. Like everyone else, a porn game developer needs to earn money from their work. No matter if it's the public's responsibility or not, it's the actual conditions a developer is working under, and it's pretty meaningless to discuss the game's development as a theoretical excercise without looking at the limitations that exists.


Mar 26, 2020
Even if it is only one character, the changes are going to be significant enough that I doubt if our old saves are going to work. And even if they do work (somehow) it would be necessary to play through the entire game again to react appropriately to the changes in Stan.
Oh I can totally understand the frustration/unwillingness to have to replay through the whole game yet again. I personally don't mind, I always start each updates fresh anyway. But i get that it's not everyone's cup of tea.
Jun 1, 2018
Oh I can totally understand the frustration/unwillingness to have to replay through the whole game yet again. I personally don't mind, I always start each updates fresh anyway. But i get that it's not everyone's cup of tea.
Not only that not really not that hard legit turn on skip all and cheats and make a save at each choice, it took me what all but 45 minutes to get all the scenes not that really that many varying choices.

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
View attachment 1637905

Hello everyone,

first of all I wanted to thank you for your responses on my last post. I was surprised by the amount of good will and understanding from your part, and I deeply appreciate it. Some of you said I shouldn't suspend charges for this next month, but I really feel it's the right thing to do and I had already made the choice before writing about it. I've already activated the billing pause for this month, and this is what Patreon says about it:

"Your active patrons will not be billed on March 1. Billing will resume on April 1. If you have Charge Up Front enabled, new patrons that sign up will be charged."

Now, onto the good news! After my last post I've been feeling better, both physically and mentally. I no longer have any COVID symptoms and I've been going back to my usual work output. Right now I'm focusing on finishing all the new assets that I want to incorporate and I've almost completed all the tweaks and new scenes I wanted to add to the current 9 chapters. I get new ideas that I think would really improve the current content and state of the game, but I have to draw the line at some point and settle for good enough instead of perfect, so that's where I am now.

All that's left is to revamp chapter 1, color some of the new artwork, and make sure all the changes are consistent and the game is bug-free, so hopefully we can get everything done soon, move onto the Steam release and swiftly into chapter 10.

I've been keeping away from social platforms to help myself get back my focus and knock over all the tasks I have to take care directly, so I apologize for the lousy communication. I'll make to keep you posted with consistent development news until the new update is out. Thanks again for your trust and support!
Fucking Stan, not even Lola's pussy is safe from him. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Seriously, rest easy Eva. :cool:


Conversation Conqueror
May 10, 2017
View attachment 1637905

Hello everyone,

first of all I wanted to thank you for your responses on my last post. I was surprised by the amount of good will and understanding from your part, and I deeply appreciate it. Some of you said I shouldn't suspend charges for this next month, but I really feel it's the right thing to do and I had already made the choice before writing about it. I've already activated the billing pause for this month, and this is what Patreon says about it:

"Your active patrons will not be billed on March 1. Billing will resume on April 1. If you have Charge Up Front enabled, new patrons that sign up will be charged."

Now, onto the good news! After my last post I've been feeling better, both physically and mentally. I no longer have any COVID symptoms and I've been going back to my usual work output. Right now I'm focusing on finishing all the new assets that I want to incorporate and I've almost completed all the tweaks and new scenes I wanted to add to the current 9 chapters. I get new ideas that I think would really improve the current content and state of the game, but I have to draw the line at some point and settle for good enough instead of perfect, so that's where I am now.

All that's left is to revamp chapter 1, color some of the new artwork, and make sure all the changes are consistent and the game is bug-free, so hopefully we can get everything done soon, move onto the Steam release and swiftly into chapter 10.

I've been keeping away from social platforms to help myself get back my focus and knock over all the tasks I have to take care directly, so I apologize for the lousy communication. I'll make to keep you posted with consistent development news until the new update is out. Thanks again for your trust and support!
any date for the Steam version?
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