
Active Member
Nov 19, 2017
Lena will not go in realtionship with ian if she had sex with other , at least for me when i had her with Ian while sleeping with jeremy and robert as she sait no when ian told her that he wants to be with her
I don't know about Jeremy but i'm very sure you can date Lena even if she slept with others except Holly because she's a mutual friend. Same goes for Ian you can play around and still date Lena and even suggest you experiment together if you have high lust and share photos with Jeremy, i think.
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Aug 19, 2018
Whats sure is that Cindy doesn't have feeling for wade one way or another
She has, but she's just fed up with him getting lazy and not paying enough attention to her, wasting it on hanging out with Perry and video games. It also pisses her off that he's gone from a laid back guy to a hedonistic fuck-off guy who doesn't care about anything but having fun and occasionally doing things with Cindy. Basically, he's stopped trying for a relationship, a typical "guy who got the girl of his dreams" syndrome. And the whole game she tries to reawaken that spark in him, that coolness and easy-goingness that she loved him for in the first place. What's more, occasionally even Perry has tried to do this. But getting back to the main theme: she still has feelings for him, but she comes to the realization that they have radically different perspectives on this relationship and if Wade doesn't want to move forward with her, there's Axel or Chad Ian (by that I mean active Ian, not a shag).
Nov 15, 2020
All of that is true, but I wasn't really excusing Jeremy's actions. I was merely arguing from Ian's POV who likely to perceive events differently from you and me due to the lack of data necessary to reach to the same conclusions. Ian didn't openly confess his feelings to Lena at that point, and so has no reason to know that she suspected the truth or that Jeremy even told her that. So, based on that mindset, Ian is likely to forgive Lena in that scenario because she was officially single, and like you said, was drunk and horny in the company of her friends, and he never told Lena that Jeremy is off-limits, can't blame her for wanting his D (considering his "girlfriend" was okay with it). It might be just me, but Ian doesn't seem to have a lot of ground to stand on here to confidently confront Lena about it and risk pushing her away.

Ian also knows Jeremy is a horndog, and is unlikely to expect of him to act in a holy way in a very sexy scenario. Obviously he can't say no to a model-looking girl willing to suck his dick, with approval of his girlfriend to add to the excitement. If I was Ian, learning that Jeremy actually tried to resist despite all that would come as surprise to me. Based on interactions in Alison's path, Ian doesn't like Jeremy's twisted definition of the bro-code, but can't really change his mind about it so he begrudgingly accepts it. "Doesn't count unless she's your girlfriend". Morality of Jeremy's action is kinda irrelevant here, it's just whether it's too much for Ian to tolerate as something of"Jeremy never changes" variety to the point of being willing to break his friendship with Jeremy over it, or he is able to understand the situation, however weird it might sound, and realize that in Jeremy's shoes, he wouldn't really be better in a similar situation.

For the sake of honesty, let's try to flip the scenario and imagine that Jeremy had serious feelings for Ivy. And let's imagine it was Ian at that party instead of Jeremy, and Ivy volunteered to suck him off (with Lena's agreement and encouragement). Would Ian really be thinking about Jeremy's feelings at that moment, especially seeing that Ivy doesn't really think about Jeremy either? Or would Lena be his primary worry, and seeing that she's there with him, also horny, and for some reason willing for him to experience her friend in that way make him completely not care about Jeremy's existence at that moment? To what extent would he resist Ivy's advances? Would he find strength within to say "begone, thot!" and think of his bro's feelings or would Ivy and Lena's "pretty, please" drain the blood from his brain into his cock? I can almost guarantee that it would be a no-brainer decision for the absolute majority of the players here. And so, can Ian really blame Jeremy here if he with 80% certainty would break his regular bro code?

I totally imagine Ian would be pissed at the situation itself and be very uncomfortable with the fact that it happened, but it's one of those things where nobody is really to blame and hold accountable here to the point of burning bridges. If anything, Ian could agree to Jeremy's next sparring session to get it out of his system, and feel better after kicking his ass. And Jeremy would probably suggest it even and take one for the team.
Yeah, Ian didn’t tell Lena about his feelings, so she can’t be sure about what he feels for her. But the way their relationship plays out, she’s got very good reasons to think he might have. In that situation I really don't think it should be necessary for Ian to tell her “Oh, by the way, it would be great if you don’t give my best friend any blowjobs or ask him to send you dick pics”; I think that's just common sense. Having sex with others at that stage of dating is one thing (as both Ian and Lena have to accept when they find out about Robert and Cherry), but being involved with that person's best friend is something completely different.

If Ian canonically was unable to say no to attractive women the way Jeremy is, like in the scenario you mention, I agree things would've been different. But he can just as well be faithful to Lena from the start, so I don't think the game should assume anything about how Ian would act in a similar situation. Maybe he would've done the same, realised it and decided to forgive both Lena and Jeremy, but the game has to take into account that he might not have.

And Ian begrudgingly accepts Jeremy’s bro code in Alison’s case, but I think that’s different for the reasons already mentioned, plus the fact that Ian doesn’t have any feelings for Alison, at least at that point.

I absolutely hope we'll see a fight between Ian and Jeremy at one point as a consequence of their actions, though.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2018
I absolutely hope we'll see a fight between Ian and Jeremy at one point as a consequence of their actions, though.
I wonder if he will have a “redemption” arc. We have a distinct arc for Perry, where we force him to be a little more confident and finally have something with Emma/Cherry (and originally kind of with both of them), as well as finally get his lazy stubborn ass off the couch and do something useful — help at the café, which he even liked. Not as flashy, but still available arc with Wade, where Ian gives him actually pretty obvious advices about Cindy and generally tries to save their relationship. But for Jeremy, nothing like that has happened so far. Ian can certainly judge him or argue with him in some situations, but the only result of that is minus to the relationship.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Yeah, Ian didn’t tell Lena about his feelings, so she can’t be sure about what he feels for her. But the way their relationship plays out, she’s got very good reasons to think he might have.
It still reads to me as a moral judgement of their actions but not a real argument as to why Ian should feel justified in his outrage about this. Ian can't read Lena's mind and know what she might think, that's what I'm trying to get at here. Ian is the one who has absolutely no information to assume that Lena was somehow aware of his feelings for her at that point in time and sucked Jeremy off anyway to hurt Ian's feelings. From Ian's POV, Lena played the sexy game with Jeremy because she didn't think of her dating with Ian as something serious and therefore he has no reason to believe that her actions were malicious in any way. I'll stress this again, I'm not discussing the morality of what Lena and Jeremy did here, but only what Ian knows and how that shapes his own (mis-)interpretation of that situation. Because Ian's limited knowledge is the deciding factor here that would impact the way he reacts.

Having sex with others at that stage of dating is one thing (as both Ian and Lena have to accept when they find out about Robert and Cherry), but being involved with that person's best friend is something completely different.
They played a game. A sexy game, sure, but it was your classic spin the bottle. I doubt that participating in a game is classified as "being involved" with someone even if it went a bit too far. Even Louise (the most jealous girlfriend out of the whole cast who also was loyal to Jeremy) didn't feel outraged about this, even though Jeremy "got involved" with Lena (her best friend). I'd like to understand why Ian would/should feel jealous in a situation where Louise isn't, even when their situation is very similar, but Louise also had to watch that live. And she's not only in love with Jeremy, she's his official girlfriend. Unlike Ian who merely has a crush on Lena.

Everyone keeps bringing up the sexting, and yet I can't come up with believable explanations of how Ian should learn about this at all. If Lena and Jeremy can keep Louise in the dark about it, then there's no reason why Ian should get cosmic knowledge from the player about this.

plus the fact that Ian doesn’t have any feelings for Alison, at least at that point.
Respectfully disagree with that sentiment. He obviously has SOME feelings (depending on your dialogue choices of course). He might not have an obvious and serious crush, sure, but he clearly feels fondness towards a close friend mixed with sexual attraction (that's enough for love to blossom). But sure, he wasn't in a situation where Jeremy sexually interacted with Alison even if he himself was loyal to her. But Alison can be quite open about her attraction to Jeremy in the Lust route. I guess we'll see how Ian's relationship with Jeremy develops in the route where Alison decided to start hooking up with Jeremy because Ian didn't show his commitment clearly to Alison. And Ian's reaction in that path (where Ian started feeling a lot more than nothing) would be a comparable example to how he might react to learning about Lena's little careless fun with Jeremy during Spin the Bottle.


Apr 8, 2018
And Ian begrudgingly accepts Jeremy’s bro code in Alison’s case, but I think that’s different for the reasons already mentioned, plus the fact that Ian doesn’t have any feelings for Alison, at least at that point.
Respectfully disagree with that sentiment. He obviously has SOME feelings (depending on your dialogue choices of course). He might not have an obvious and serious crush, sure, but he clearly feels fondness towards a close friend mixed with sexual attraction (that's enough for love to blossom). But sure, he wasn't in a situation where Jeremy sexually interacted with Alison even if he himself was loyal to her. But Alison can be quite open about her attraction to Jeremy in the Lust route. I guess we'll see how Ian's relationship with Jeremy develops in the route where Alison decided to start hooking up with Jeremy because Ian didn't show his commitment clearly to Alison. And Ian's reaction in that path (where Ian started feeling a lot more than nothing) would be a comparable example to how he might react to learning about Lena's little careless fun with Jeremy during Spin the Bottle.
I feel like if you play the Full Alison Route then Ian has an interesting inner monologue after their Trip in Chapter 9 where you can see that he is definitely starting to realize that he has stronger feelings for her than he thought before. I don't know the exact words anymore but it was something like "I feel like I can't see her like a fuck buddy anymore" and that he is interested where this is going with her.

I really hope there will be an Option in the next Chapters to push the romantic Route with her because if you can do it with Cindy in such a short time then it should be possible with Alison after possibly hooking up with her nearly the whole Game.

Solomon Grundy

Active Member
Nov 25, 2021
The game does not open, do you need a program to open it?
You're going to need to give us a bit more information. What system are you using? If it's a PC, you should just be able to run the OurRedString.exe and the game will launch. If Linux, you'd use the file. Not sure on Mac, but someone in the thread will definitely know.
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New Member
Apr 30, 2017
I have to say that I like this game A LOT more than "Good Girl Gone Bad". GGGB had a lot of sex, drugs and especially fetishes, which is good for a quick fap and that's why a lot of us play those kind of games I guess, but I didn't really care about any character, i just wanted to see them fuck and get wasted.

However in this game I am actually invested in it, probably also because you play both sides of this relationship and both aren't complete assholes, dummies or sluts. There are nuances, but all of them are just like that, nuances, though I suspect you will be able to reinforce this or that later on. Overall all the characters are way more believable and just likeable, except for the obvious jerks.

"Our Red String" is much more slow paced, especially if you want IanxLena to happen and don't want to fuck around elsewhere, but it is astonishingly cute, healthy, rewarding and just wholesome I have to say. I want to see their relationship to grow and not just to fuck each others brain out, which is still a plus, but that's just the dessert after the actual meal I am looking forward to. I want to see how this plays out, the sex is just a nice addition to it, part of this relationship and not the core of it.

Nonetheless I wouldn't mind, if there was an option to get IanxHollyxLena to work out, as all three seem to be into each other and honestly that would be just even more wholesome in my opinion as all three seem to on the same level, be it intelligence, dreams, behaviour, diligence, modesty, care, support and love. I know, I know, monogamous realtionships and blah, I genuinely want to see them together and not just to fuck.

I only played until late chapter 3 so far, because I was actually reading and not just skipping around to see the nude scenes, so it took me quite some time and I can't really judge how the later chapters work out yet, maybe it all ends in a huge gangbang afterall, but I sincerely hope it doesn't, unless you as the player really want that.

I didn't think I would ever use the word "wholesome" in the context of an erotic game, but that's the best way to describe the game in my opinion (so far).

P.S.: I didn't really read much of this thread to avoid spoilers, because for once I actually care about that.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
The lengths that Seymour goes to put Lena in that situation by the end of Chapter 9 is quite excessive for someone who can afford any model. Wouldn’t be surprised if her biological father is a competitor of Seymour or something along those lines.
Some have speculated that Seymour is Lena's biological father. But that's 100% not gonna fly with Steam. Did Seymour bang (or at least try to possess/woo/ect) Lena's mom 20+ years ago and know damn well Lena's her daughter? Magic 8-ball says: "Likely."
Probably a "one that got away" who confounds him more as an outcome he was unable to control than as a perp for his wounded heart.

Lena's bio-dad? Magic 8-ball: "Digging for sandwiches and old sardine cans in the trash. On chance occurrence, asked Lena for cash but likely not 100% sure yet she sprung from his gene pool. If he knew for sure, his reaction to seeing her with Seymour would be much more drastic. Old rival of Seymour's and knows he's a POS." (Consequently, I thought my personal Magic 8-ball was defective until I ran across ORS. That weird response makes a little more sense now).

I'd be willing to bet a small sum on this. Eva makes a very good game, but it's anything if not a bit predictable, with the "Red String" theme a Deus Ex Machina mechanic used as a get-out-of-jail-free card for implausible coincidences that make the world seem smaller. I chalk that up far more to time limitations in development than to Eva's writing abilities though.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
Some have speculated that Seymour is Lena's biological father. But that's 100% not gonna fly with Steam. Did Seymour bang (or at least try to possess/woo/ect) Lena's mom 20+ years ago and know damn well Lena's her daughter? Magic 8-ball says: "Likely."
Probably a "one that got away" who confounds him more as an outcome he was unable to control than as a perp for his wounded heart.

Lena's bio-dad? Magic 8-ball: "Digging for sandwiches and old sardine cans in the trash. On chance occurrence, asked Lena for cash but likely not 100% sure yet she sprung from his gene pool. If he knew for sure, his reaction to seeing her with Seymour would be much more drastic. Old rival of Seymour's and knows he's a POS." (Consequently, I thought my personal Magic 8-ball was defective until I ran across ORS. That weird response makes a little more sense now).

I'd be willing to bet a small sum on this. Eva makes a very good game, but it's anything if not a bit predictable, with the "Red String" theme a Deus Ex Machina mechanic used as a get-out-of-jail-free card for implausible coincidences that make the world seem smaller. I chalk that up far more to time limitations in development than to Eva's writing abilities though.
While I do not know how Eva will get it around Steam, maybe a 18+patch like so many japanese games do, I too think that Seymour is Lena´s biological father. There is a lot of byplay and throwaway lines over the current nine chapters and the already mentioned fact that Seymour is really loaded with money. He could get any model, both male and female, for his photo shots, but that it is Lena and Axel he wants is a bit too much of "pure chance".
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Active Member
Aug 19, 2018
I have to say that I like this game A LOT more than "Good Girl Gone Bad". GGGB had a lot of sex, drugs and especially fetishes, which is good for a quick fap and that's why a lot of us play those kind of games I guess, but I didn't really care about any character, i just wanted to see them fuck and get wasted.

However in this game I am actually invested in it, probably also because you play both sides of this relationship and both aren't complete assholes, dummies or sluts. There are nuances, but all of them are just like that, nuances, though I suspect you will be able to reinforce this or that later on. Overall all the characters are way more believable and just likeable, except for the obvious jerks.
Yeah, I can no longer fully play GGGB after ORS and the other more "serious" visual novels on this site. It's still one of the best games of the genre in my opinion, but now it's more of a fapbase with good scenes than a full game, the non-sexy scenes have lost their charm. So I'll be really looking forward if Eva ever decides to remaster or remake her first game to see how her new style reflects in this, what she changes and adds.


Jan 25, 2021
Yeah, I can no longer fully play GGGB after ORS and the other more "serious" visual novels on this site. It's still one of the best games of the genre in my opinion, but now it's more of a fapbase with good scenes than a full game, the non-sexy scenes have lost their charm. So I'll be really looking forward if Eva ever decides to remaster or remake her first game to see how her new style reflects in this, what she changes and adds.
I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I don't particularly care for soap opera style stories a lot of games on here have (like the DIK game). And wish more games would be like GGGB where there's a lot of sex scenes paced well. GGGB is more than that though, the choice and consequences are done really well and there are so many paths to explore. My perfect game really, except for the art style. I do really like ORS too, so far it hasn't been too heavy on the characterization or story and the scenes are still well paced.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2018
I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. I don't particularly care for soap opera style stories a lot of games on here have (like the DIK game). And wish more games would be like GGGB where there's a lot of sex scenes paced well. GGGB is more than that though, the choice and consequences are done really well and there are so many paths to explore. My perfect game really, except for the art style. I do really like ORS too, so far it hasn't been too heavy on the characterization or story and the scenes are still well paced.
That's cool, I respect your tastes, my man. As I wrote once before, I just like games with porn elements rather than porn with game elements (some might argue that the visual novel/interactive movie genres are even games and how much gameplay there has to be for it to be called a game, but fuck that). So I didn't like adult games until I was introduced to GGGB.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
While I do not know how Eva will get it around Steam, maybe a 18+patch like so many japanese games do, I too think that Seymour is Lena´s biological father. There is a lot of byplay and throwaway lines over the current nine chapters and the already mentioned fact that Seymour is really loaded with money. He could get any model, both male and female, for his photo shots, but that it is Lena and Axel he wants is a bit too much of "pure chance".
And my alternate explanation fulfills the reason just as much as bio-father. Not pure chance either. While some creators do a patch, I really don't see Eva going that route. I'd bet that Seymour will be, at best, the once potential step-daddy that was never meant to be.

(The whole 'If he couldn't possess her mom all those years ago, he'll possess her spitting image now').

I will give that Eva can *potentially* make the question of who is the father (between Seymour and the man he destroyed) open-ended at the end of development, with vague enough hints to get past the sensors and with deft enough writing to satisfy the reader. But I'm leaning towards her not going that way due to both the ban risk and challenge of craft.
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Nov 15, 2020
I wonder if he will have a “redemption” arc. We have a distinct arc for Perry, where we force him to be a little more confident and finally have something with Emma/Cherry (and originally kind of with both of them), as well as finally get his lazy stubborn ass off the couch and do something useful — help at the café, which he even liked. Not as flashy, but still available arc with Wade, where Ian gives him actually pretty obvious advices about Cindy and generally tries to save their relationship. But for Jeremy, nothing like that has happened so far. Ian can certainly judge him or argue with him in some situations, but the only result of that is minus to the relationship.
I hope so. I also liked the new interaction at the bar when Axel and the others think Jeremy acts like an idiot. It's far from an redemption arc, but at least it shows that his player persona isn't always working the way he expects it to.

It still reads to me as a moral judgement of their actions but not a real argument as to why Ian should feel justified in his outrage about this. Ian can't read Lena's mind and know what she might think, that's what I'm trying to get at here. Ian is the one who has absolutely no information to assume that Lena was somehow aware of his feelings for her at that point in time and sucked Jeremy off anyway to hurt Ian's feelings. From Ian's POV, Lena played the sexy game with Jeremy because she didn't think of her dating with Ian as something serious and therefore he has no reason to believe that her actions were malicious in any way. I'll stress this again, I'm not discussing the morality of what Lena and Jeremy did here, but only what Ian knows and how that shapes his own (mis-)interpretation of that situation. Because Ian's limited knowledge is the deciding factor here that would impact the way he reacts.
I think what we first and foremost disagree on, is how much you can expect from the other part in Ian's and Lena's situation without it having been talked about directly.

At the stage they are in getting to know each other, you don't know what the other person feels about you, and at the same time you're trying to figure out your own feelings. But what I think they can feel pretty certain about, is that the other person is somewhere in the same process, even though that's obviously way more subjective than talking about it straighforwardly.

If you're socially unintelligent, you're more likely to misinterpret those situations—like Louise, who completely misses on her judgement of Jeremy's feelings, or Robert, who thinks he's got a chance with Lena even though nothing she says or does suggests it's anything more than casual sex. But Lena and Ian are both way more attentative and socially intelligent, and have reason to put more trust in that implicit mutual understanding of what's going on between them. That social intelligence is also why they both accept it when they find out about Robert and Cherry—they know they can't demand that the other person is loyal to them yet, even though they don't like it when they find out about it.

But on that spectrum between complete loyalty and being completely free to do whatever you want, I think they're already at a point where they can expect the other person to consider their potential feelings. And on the list of things that could hurt the other person's feelings, sleeping with their best friend should be pretty high up by default. Ian's got no reason to think that Lena's actions were malicious, but he's certainly got, in my view, reason to think her actions were extremely inconsiderate. To the degree that if he ever finds out, the game needs to offer a choice for him to get completely pissed off at both of them.

Even Louise (the most jealous girlfriend out of the whole cast who also was loyal to Jeremy) didn't feel outraged about this, even though Jeremy "got involved" with Lena (her best friend). I'd like to understand why Ian would/should feel jealous in a situation where Louise isn't, even when their situation is very similar, but Louise also had to watch that live. And she's not only in love with Jeremy, she's his official girlfriend. Unlike Ian who merely has a crush on Lena.
I don't think one person's reaction should decide how another person should react in a similar situation, but Louise's judgement in that situation was anyway very clouded. She was very drunk, and had lost control of the situation to the others, led by Ivy, to the extent that her insecurity made her not even consider the option to stop the whole thing. I think she accepted it because the only other alternative she saw, was to let her nemesis give the blowjob instead.
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