I know but I feel that the Canon story of this game is the relationship of Lena and Ian. Though I always will feel that Ian is a lucky basterd that can break into almost every girl in the game (Besides Ivy, but I think that Ian maybe will get the option to break her as well).
The fect that Lena is successful with other guys is not suprising, but the fact that other women in Lenas level such as cidny, Lena herself and maybe Ivy in the future find Ian as attrective is beyond me. I can rational the fact that Alison and the jeek girl find him attrective.
But despite me saying this the only guy I can stand behind in this game is Ian, I find the other guys to be off. Axel is a dushbag, The rich guy is also a dushbag, Perry is fine, Jeremy is drunk on PUA advices and believe that his BBC can get him any women, Wade does nothing with his life and just plays Vidya. The other guys besides mike that seems cool all seem to want to get into Lenas pants despertly, robert is disgusting if Lena isn't intreasted in him. I find the only decent guy here is Ian, who in my playthrough geniunly loves Lena, but his unfolfiled sexual desires led him to be with Alison, and become I love blondes to be into cidny(Which I regret since I actually think that wade is a good friend and you don't f*ck your friends GF, though I think that if Ian didn't do it, Axel would in a heartbeat.)