Yeah, to be clear I don't think the sending of photos in the two scenes are similar. Rather that the previous encounters between Ian/Cindy and Lena/Jeremy pushed the limits between them under the pretext of being something innocent (professional photoshoot / just a game), and that both Cindy and Jeremy then found an excuse to contact Ian and Lena about the innocent parts of those encounters (Cindy had finally gotten the photos from Axel / Jeremy genuinely wondered if Lena had noticed anything about Louise's behaviour), in return giving them a chance to continue the not so innocent interactions while pretending they're not doing anything wrong. Cindy probably asks Ian about his opinion both because she wants to continue their flirt and because she's genuinely interested in his opinion in a slightly more professional way. At least she and Ian can pretend it's the latter, while the exchange between Lena and Jeremy quickly throw all that subtlety overboard.
I also agree about the improvements you mention. When they're texting, I think they have a whole bunch of details they could've picked up on to heat up the interaction while still playing innocent. Lena: "I'm sorry you ended up being dragged into Ivy's crazy dare… But I really needed that money

And I made you cum and you admitted you think I'm the hottest, so I guess maybe you didn't mind

" Or, even including the sexting: Jeremy: "So, what are you doing?" Lena: "Uhm… I was just taking some pictures for my Stalkfap, now I'm trying to decide which of them I'm gonna share

But I'm new to this and still have no idea what my followers actually want to see

Haha, sorry but you asked" Jeremy: "I think I have a pretty clear idea about that

Just ask if you need some help

" (Lena, lying to herself: Is he asking me to send nudes? Well, the last time he saw me nude, it was totally innocent, and that means it would be innocent this time as well… Besides Ivy told me I'm bad at choosing pictures for Stalkfap, and I'm pretty sure Jeremy knows what guys would want to see of me. This is actually just very helpful, and I'm gonna share the pictures on Stalkfap anyway.) And then afterwards: Lena: "Thanks, that was helpful, in a weird way

I guess I own you one… Let me know if you ever need help deciding what kind of dick pics girls like

" Crowd goes wild when Lena posts the picture Jeremy suggested -> perfect excuse to send Jeremy nudes every time she's gonna post to Stalkfap.
They would still know that what they're doing is wrong, but it would give them the chance to pretend to themselves and each other that it's not. At least certainly to a bigger extent than with the current "here's a picture deep down my throat, that's where I want your cock to be" tone.
Edit: Yeah, kinda wish I'd instead paraphrased how that scene hypothetically could've played out, because now it seems like I'm some kind of aspirational ORS fan fiction writer. I promise I'm not, it just seemed like the easiest way to illustrate it