Speaking of bugs, the boutique isn't fully implemented in the epilogue -- it shows the goods, but trying to buy anything results in the shop simply closing, rather than actual purchase of the clicked item. It's because the on-click hooks from Ch.10 are ripped out, and there's no replacements.
Also, this isn't a bug per se, but maybe something to consider: the game makes use of
variable for some minor text variations but, more importantly, graphics. The problem with this is, the variable is
only set if Ian's athletic score is 6+ at the beginning of chapter 10. This means that Ian who reached Athletic of 6+
after that point is presented as his regular, non-fit self.
It might be better to run the
check also at later points in the game, or better yet, replace that variable with dynamic
ian_athletics > 5
conditionals throughout.
edit: another minor error:
if v11_lena_dress == 2:
scene v11_axel2b
if v11_lena_dress == 4:
scene v11_axel2d
scene v11_axel2a
This causes the game to draw black dress for Lena who bought the gold one. That second
should be