Very much this!
I am a hobby writer so I know quite a bit about creating stories. While you should listen to what your fans have to say, you also have to stay true to your vision of the story you want to tell! It is one thing to include fan ideas you feel will fit the story quite well. But the moment you include stuff you are not convinced off, just because the fans are making a ruckus, you have lost! It won´t be your story anymore, it will loose cohesion and focus, because you put something in you would not have done so otherwise.
And in ORS we can see this quite well, you already gave some examples. I could add things like "Cindy here and there", one of the most uninteresting characters in the whole game getting so much screentime, just because of some loud fans. And don´t get me started on the "cucking Ian everywhere" thing!
I nearly rage-quitted a playthrough when after the Ian-Alison-Jeremy threesome, where Ian performed really well, you just get a neutral and a cuck option when Ian and Alison talk about the threesome later. Glaringly absent is a positive option (even if several scenes later you and Alison can decide to have a threesome again, which at least mitigates it a bit), which is sub-optimal at best, but is so because EK was bowing to the loudmouths.