The more I've played through it the more I think that chapter 11 was a fine chapter, better than chapter 10 anyway. While I know it isn't truly the case, Cindy felt like she took up the bulk of chapter 10s narrative unless you completely ignored her. Chapter 10 also had a lot of the sweeping changes that I've seen the most complaints about; Stan's increased focus, solidifying many of the characters specifically to be there as just a kink, Ivy becoming more manipulative whereas earlier she still seemed to care about Lena and Holly even if it was in her own way, a lot of story setups without any story advancement.
11 on the other hand has felt far more spread out amongst the cast Emma, Jeremy, Mike, Seymour, and Perry all had things to do and their stories made advances. Ivy, Cindy, Holly all obviously stayed in the mix. Knowing we'll finally get Perry's beach house, the MMA tournament, Billy's photoshoot, or some combination next chapter means there is going to either be some drama or payoffs to some of the storylines. The cameos were a bit much this chapter, and I think Jack's brother would have made for a more interesting one instead of Jack. Marcel also getting cemented in the BBC fetish was also disappointing, especially considering his earlier interactions with Holly were especially wholesome. Overall though 11 has felt, to me anyway, more in line with chapters 6-8.