I'm sorry, I don't agree, with Lena even just a chat with Ivy is enough to make her overheat, Lena is part of the game because of her being a slut, it makes no sense otherwise, it doesn't give any meaning to her existence, Ian on the other hand has his own because and even in the loyal way she has her own well-defined history in the relationship with others, Lena on the other hand does not have interactions with many if you play her loyally, if you count how many characters are created to fuck with her or simply like Ward dominate her psychologically, or even her mother herself, you realize the character, Ian in contrast does not let himself be dominated by the Father, or even by Minerva, and with some he defends himself well even with fights, Lena on the other hand is weak, in fact they even wrote him a play where you have the possibility of having her steal the bar's money, if you make comparisons you realize that the actions created for Lena are far nastier than those of Ian, I'm not just talking about sex, we also talk about smoking, drugs, being BSX, Lena he also has the possibility of fucking other women, while there is no Gay path for Ian, this means that the roles are well delineated, one good, the other bad, if you don't make Lena bad, there is no point in the game, this imposes on you the creator, here is the real trick of the Dev.