- Sep 23, 2022
- 192
- 363
You can leave Minerva frustrated without sex and you get your job back anyway xDActualy there is no Inbalance, Lena can easy get a lot more money, but it involves being the pet of a rich old fart, or have sex with Robert and invest in less artistic nudes on stalkfap. First time I played I played as Lena being a very decent girl that only likes artistic nudes and not selling her body, which led to her being insane poor on the brink of having nearly no money. But I noticed you can earn 10$ if become a pet of the rich old fart which is pretty nice money or sleep with Robert and keep your waitress job while on sidelines make money with porn nudes on stalkfap which also survivable, either way you are kinda forced to do something nasty if don't want Lena become poor, but same counts for Ian, he has also a short time he doesn't make enough money to survive and has to beg his dad for more, unless he whore himself out to his ugly tart boss and lick heels of others.
It all about choices and consequences, can be happy and in love but poor, or can be in a strained relation but with money and accept both sides do nasty things.
Regarding Lena, the economic difference between making private content or only naughty public content is very small, the gap is between onlye tasteful nudes and the other two options (naughty content and/or private hot videos)
In fact, in my opinion you can maintain a healthy and happy relationship by going down that middle path; naughty content, Ian participating and without there being tension on both sides, you also leave the door open to perhaps go deeper into the pornographic spiral in the future or close without there being many problems with what Lena has exposed too much
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