Outside of the two Ian relationship routes I play (one faithful and one not) where there is no option to be with Robert, even if I wanted to. On the other route I play Lena isn't really settling for anyone, she's just playing the field for now, and Ian is on his Chad route, so he's doing pretty much the same. I did think of playing a lesbian route, but since I can play pretty much all the lesbian content on the other three, I decided it would be a waste of time. From a certain point Robert seems to become interchangeable with Mike, and since I really wanted to play Mike, Robert became obsolete so I decided to drop him early.
The other character I dont really play is Mark, another import from GGGB ( I think Ashley has sex with him once or twice, and Eva starts dating his friend, but he disappears). He seems to have just been introduced as a 'milder' dating option for Holly, till Ivy moves her on to bigger and better things. He's another character I just think is too bland, and since he also seems to be optional with Mike, I've never been tempted to try him out.
It also looks like Jack is going to become another hook-up option, interchangeable with the Axel content. I just wonder which version of Jack this is? In one ending he becomes disillusioned, bitter and twisted, when his nightclub fails, and in another he ends up dating Nat. But it doesn't seem to be either of them. Admittedly I don't think I ever played all the Jack endings, so it could be one of those. I can't see it being the one with Ashley, since something tells me this is the world where Ashley becomes a top pornstar. I wonder if Ashley will make a cameo appearance before the end of this game?
Does anyone else think, that Mike's girlfriend cold be Gillian? She's been seen at Blazer a few times apparently, and it certainly would put the cat amongst the pidgeons, if Lena is hooking up with Mike, and Ian subsequently succumbs to Gillian again ( which surely is going to be a possibility?). The only thing that gives me doubts about that, is Jeremy. If Gillian was going to the club, surely he would know if she were Mike's girlfriend, and he'd have given Ian the heads-up? So I'm not so sure about this theory now.