It seems EK was more busy with drawings for Beach house, etc. as she completed some story progress as she stated in her 2nd Jan post and was more focused on drawings than on Story progression.
Now as for the changing "Status quo", that means IanxLena will change according to the path(If IanxCindy and/or Lena cheating).
PerryxEmma, IanxHolly, LenaxHolly's relationship progress or implications at the very least.
Wade may get breakup news from Cindy(unlikely as she wants to end things face to face).
Possible sex scenes:
- IanxLena
- IanxLenaxHolly (Far to much dragged/delayed, Just do it!)
- IanxLenaxEmma (possible)
- IanxHolly
- IanxEmma (Perry may or may not be aware/involved
- Some unexpected scenes(LenaxWade, LenaxPerry, WadexHolly) may be happen as it is exactly the trend now after getting Marcel content
- PerryxEmma
- EDIT: LenaxHollyxEmma

- LenaxHolly