I loved playing through what the game has to offer so far.
I am genuinely invested in the story, particularly of the male character (Ian)
I was captivated by Holly very quickly and what's special is that its her passion and character that attracts me the most. She is gentle natured, kind hearted, humble and talented and its also pretty obvious that she is insecure. I find her to be such a grounded character and her shyness, reactions are just so wholesome and cute.
I legit have not and will not get involved romantically with any other girl. For so long I was worried about whether she was an actual romance option or not - so you could imagine my glee when Ian finally adopted my views about her and started considering her as a potential romance partner. And when I had Ian say he liked someone (to Holly trying to give her a subtle hint) and she responded that she liked someone to, my god, that moment was just, just so. damn. iridescent, picturesque, beautiful.

I hope she got the message and didn't believe I was talking about someone else, but because of her insecurity I'm not sure (But she is also smart so I hope at the very least the seed has been planted).
Honestly, I don't even care about how many (other) scenes I miss by going after her exclusively, and I wont mind at all if the romance scenes with her are not particularly raunchy/lewd - in fact I would really dig a more intimate and sensual vibe, more about
who can give more as opposed to who can take more (Me a 19 year old, single virgin am trying to describe what type of sex I would like depicted, wtf am I doing, if my mom got wind of this... Jesus

Anyways... I am so satisfied by just developing my (Ian's) relationship with her, having conversations and just getting to know her more bit by bit and becoming a more important, trustworthy and desirable individual in her life.
From memory I believe she is 24 - I am 19 irl so it feels even more right that she is "the one" for me. (Ian is 27 but lets not dwell on that, he is not too much older anyway)
I'm not sure if its appropriate for me to type this but I don't give a sh** about getting in her pants - I want to get into her heart, be there to support her and be a positive force in her life to help her overcome her insecurities, both those known and unknown currently. And what makes it better is that I believe she views Ian in a similar light and not a "fortress" to be conquered or a walking stick of meat to indulge in. If their relationship develops under such a light I would be mightily impressed (But I understand this is very specific and demanding so I don't know if this is the direction the creator will go in I am just sharing my hope's)
I don't know what the future plans for her are, but I hope that this "vibe" she gives off does not fragment and shatter as we go on (unless done in an interesting and understandable way, so not the 'oh look I really was a slutty, bad girl after all because "reasons" now let me choke you as I ride you since we are alone' type of change, vivid description but I think my point has been made

I hope that somehow our relationship will bloom in a natural and satisfying way, sure there might be bumps on the way, secrets and surprises but that is how relationships are and it would enhance it if done right. A good example would the visual novel Katawa Shoujo where the girls had, yes the attractive qualities, but also personal issues, trauma and strenuous responsibilities which one would only gain privy to by developing a close relationship - I can see the potential for something similar in this game but of course Its up to the creator on what they want to do, this is just my thoughts. (again I know how demanding this would be, so i'm not really expecting this, but if you are reading this creator, would you consider doing it for her, just Holly

The chemistry between Ian, Holly and Lena was just gold for real, I really love how the creator took the time to explore that. The scene at the park between them just encapsulated their compatibility with each other.
Now as for Lena, I will be more succinct when talking about her path (this comment is already too long). It is interesting but Ian's just hooked me more, making my own book and the whole thing with Holly amongst other things just swept me up in a whirlwind.
But in Lena's case I am particularly interested in how the interactions with that very intelligent businessman dude will go (forgot name). His character and dialogue is intriguing and I share Lena's curiosity and fascination in him. And I have to mention that photo shoot scene with her and him, the flow they had, the photo's particularly the ones which were taken when I selected the playful vibe and the dialogue that accompanied it - good gods that was great,. Holly is still number one (of course). But the seductive, lustful, fun energy in that sequence of scenes made the real life star Marylyn Monroe just pop into my head. Lena nailed that. And funnily enough you are named after her Monroe (maybe a coincidence) so I think you were deliberately going for that type of atmosphere and look, I know next to nothing about the real Marylyn Monroe but I have seen some of her scenes and that sort of playful, and innocent yet sexy vibe was really stand out in that scene. I loved it, Lena loved it, The business dude loved it, really well done.
Honestly I don't really know what this comment was about, Its my first one on this site. But I really wanted to get across how your writing and art has engaged me so much. I want to thank you for putting this project out there free of charge, and I also wanted to share some of my thoughts on the quality experiences you have crafted for us and my hopes for the future.
And just to make it absolutely clear, I am totally not trying to assert that my preferences and hopes are the most profound and desirable in an attempt to sway you or anyone else that my way is the best way, I just wanted to openly share what my thoughts are on the relationship with Holly so far and my personal hopes. Its totally your creative vision to do as you desire with and I'm not delusional as to consider myself an uprising professional or learned critique, your writing just evoked some things within me which I would find interesting if explored.
At this point most of you are probably thinking I should go get a girlfriend already! Or maybe that I'm a loser for making such a long comment. But It was worth it - especially if some of you guys resonate with they stuff I was saying. (Maybe my comments about not caring too much about sex scenes but rather special the moments with Holly was borderline heretical but i'm not taking that back!)
Am I simping for Holly? It actually feels pretty good. Please make me simp for her more Monroe!
*ahem* well I think that i'm going to stop now because I am not saying anything of sustenance anymore. Keep up the awesome work!
Oh and none of you better have your di** out when Holly is on screen. Your goddamn hands best be on your bibles or over your hearts in salute to her. (unless its sexy fun time, sexy fun time is the only exception!)
That last bit was a joke chillax...
*sharpens knife as you scroll past the comment*