No I'm not and if you've read my previous messages, you'd now that by know. None of my argumentation was meant to say what Axel did is acceptable, I merely pointed out the difference between what is normally considered to be in an abusive relationship and what we saw so far. We do not have any indication that Lena was in an abusive relationship. If you want to say that she was in an abusive break up, then by all means I might be more inclined to agree with you.You seem to be pushing the message that it's okay to violate boundaries of a person if you aren't dating them? Is that correct?![]()
Once again you're trying to put words into my mouth. I do not think this is acceptable behaviour and once again, if you had read my explanations carefully you would have noticed it. Like you I strongly condemn this type of behaviour. That's not to say that I'll immeditely start being judgemental and leave no space in my mind to try to understand if that person has that pattern of behaviour or if it might be something that happened on a certain situation and that's in a way out of character. Sorry, but I don't view of the world as a binary system where there's only black and white or good and evil.I also recall Lena mentioning that she had to move and change jobs (?) just to get rid of Axel. Now, raise your hands if you think is this an acceptable behaviour after the breakup![]()
I do not recall Axel's behaviour being the reason Lena had to move and change jobs. I'm under the impression it was something she did in order to break contact with him, not because he was harassing her but simply because she just didn't want to see him. In most relationships, especially ones that end due to cheating, the person who was cheated tries to get away from all forms of contact because it's easier to move on, otherwise there's this constant reminder of the betrayal looming over. I might however be wrong regarding this and after all this debate I feel like I need to soon enough make a new playthrough and pay special attention to that part to make sure I'm not making my assessment under a distorted idea. Do trust me that if after that I come to the conclusion that my arguments are being based under a false pretext, I'll have no problems coming here and admiting I was wrong and that I simply didn't paid enough attention to that part.
It might be and I assume we'll eventually find out. My only point once again is that I don't feel like I have been provide yet with enough information to reach that conclusion. I felt like you and some people were just making an early judgement of the situation and I merely wanted to point that out. The same way I also tried to make a point that as humans we all make mistakes and we all go through some situations we eventually regret, and some are just sporadic things that we make, that are out of character and happened under a certain context. If they do not however develop to become a pattern I will not hold that over anyone's head forever. If on the other hand they prove to be some kind of behaviour that person constantly falls into, then I have no problems with the labelling.So what I think going on is, Axel's only regret is getting caught.
For some reason it seems some people are trying to distort my point of view of waiting until more evidence is presented to be some kind of acceptance to this kind of behaviour, which is not. I have never in my life been abusive to any of my girlfriends and still maintain excellent relationships with most of them. I have a good number of female friendships and I did have to support some in some abusive situations. I however have also once came accross with a situation, quite a few years ago, of a guy who dated a friend of mine for quite some time and after their break up he started to fall into this kind of behaviour for a certain period, which was completely out of character of him. The situation was eventually solved, he understood he was wrong, apologized and moved on. Although I don't consider him a friend I still have some people I know who are still in regular contact with him and I never heard of him ever again following into that type of behaviour.
I could also be wrong and more likely then not it will actually be the case. However, the information provided so far leads me to the conclusion that Axel is a bit of a self-centrict schmuck, but other then that I don't feel like I have enough information to make any judgement of him that goes past that.Could I be wrong? Sure, he's not a real person and even in real life I make mistakes sometimes. But romantic relationship and particularly abusive onces have always been of interest to me and everything about this guy just screams typical abusive asshole to me.