what do you mean its sounds suspicious? What does cindy writes again??? Yeah I hope eva dont fucks around with cindy she is egoistic ,princess, easy impressionable ( axel should have a easy game) partys ,drugs ,fame ,corruption and potentioal other woman that compete with eachother or lure new models into sex...
Cindy should act this way the way she is written get karma guys
Just forgive her lads ....she is a princess after all so thread her like one
if v12_cindy_text > 0:
if (ian_cindy_love and v12_cindy_rel == 2):
$ fian = "n"
"I couldn't help but think about Cindy... Despite everything, I couldn't get her out of my head."
"Part of me wanted to reach out, but a wiser part warned me against it. Still, she texted me before, and I couldn't resist returning the gesture."
play sound "sfx/camera.mp3"
with flash
pause 0.5
"I pulled out my phone, took a picture of the moon and sent it to her."
play sound "sfx/sms.mp3"
c_p "The moon looks incredible tonight... I'm seeing it too from the yatch."
i_p "It makes me think of you."
c_p "{image=emoji_surprise.webp} {image=emoji_surprise.webp}"
i "..."
if v12_cindy_text == 2:
"I expected a longer reply from her, but it seemed like she stopped writing. Maybe she was waiting for me to send another message..."
i "Seems like that's all she's gonna write. Maybe she's waiting for me to send another message..."
i "I'm letting myself get carried away... I better put my phone away."
"I thought about Cindy... Se hadn't got in touch with me since we started our vacation."
"I wondered what could she be doing right now..."
"I pulled out my phone, took a picture of the moon and sent it to her."
play sound "sfx/camera.mp3"
with flash
pause 0.5
i_p "Thinking about you {image=emoji_heart.webp}"
$ fian = "n"
i "..."
i "She must be busy, or already sleeping..."