I'm sure that would have worked well.Perry is a whiny bitch, I'm surprised his father didn't send him to military school.
I don't see it as a matter of trust. I think it's very unlikely that something happens with a SF sub, they are just wankers and simps. For me it would be a matter of possessiveness, for lack of a better word. I think OF/SF is a legitimate and even smart way for a girl to monetize simps, but I wouldn't date a girl with an account on it our would like an hypothetical daughter doing it. Kind of similar to my opinion on stripers.I tend not to have Ian subscribe to Lena's SF if they're dating because it feels stalker-ish. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of a relationship is trust. If you can't trust the person you're dating, you probably shouldn't be dating them (even if I know as the player that Lena is, in fact, cheating on Ian. It's like checking up on your SO at work. One minor annoyance of mine is when Lena has a SF account, the responses from Ian are to think it's hot, get mad, or be insecure. I would have liked a "I don't care. I trust you." type of response.
I agree with what you say about you being burn out with poor Alison. Come on, even if you don't like her, Alison is clearly in love with Ian, she only uses Jeremy if Ian doesn't pay her attention. Regarding Alison not just quitting her job and get another, at one point after listening to her Ian asks her why she doesn't do that:As for Alison, this is probably a "there's no arguing taste" situation. As for the company that owes her money, that is her former job. It doesn't stop Alison from seeking employment elsewhere. The whole reason Gillian cheated on Ian was she moved to another city to find work. Alison even admits that she doesn't care that her former boss was a crook. It doesn't matter to her that other people were impacted. All that matters is that it affected her. If she's able to spend as much as she did on her vacation, she's able to put down a security deposit and a first month's rent on an apartment elsewhere. We're not even sure the nepo baby is useless. We just have Alison's word for it. From what little evidence we have, the nepo baby was more competent that her replacement since she never called Alison on her time off to fix an issue. And who is the love of Alison's life? It isn't Milo. I'm not even sure what happened there. In the first conversation, it says he dumped her, but every other interaction, including him accosting Ian and Jeremy, imply the opposite. It isn't Ian. She just sort of goes along with his advances. She enjoys spending time with him. But she is just as happy to go with Jeremy instead. The closest thing to showing genuine emotional affection she does is trying to cook Ian dinner. In my opinion, Alison is the single most passive character in the game, happy to wallow in her own misery. Actually, thank you for allowing me to talk it out because I can now pinpoint my problem with Alison in one sentence: she is the only character that seems content to wallow in her own misery.
To be completely fair, though, a significant portion of my opinion of Alison is likely due to burn out. I wasn't interested in pursuing Cindy due to her relationship with Wade. I wasn't interested in pursuing Emma due to liking her better as a friend. I thought Cherry was boring, and I have next to no interest in the type of relationship Minerva represents. With those characters, I did one, maybe two, playthroughs mostly to unlock their scenes. That meant that Alison became the default early-game LI for the majority of my playthroughs. I ended up spending probably more time with Alison than with any of the other non-protagonist, and each time I read a scene with her, my reading of said scene became less charitable. I will also say that what I said about Wade applies to Alison. I just want her to actually want something or do something, anything, proactive. If she does, she'll earn a ton of points in my eyes. The game isn't over yet, so there's still time. Even if she doesn't, I'll still consider her a good character. She does fulfill her role in the game well.
i "You keep complaining about it... Why don't you search for another job? You don't seem happy at all with this one."
if ian_wits < 8:
call xp_up ('wits') from _call_xp_up_970
a "If it only were that easy... If I find something better I'll make the jump, but right now I need the money."
a "I want to move out of my parents' place as soon as possible. It's no fun going back to living with them after having been independent..."
a "But rents are sky-high now, so I need to save, and I need to work. If my old boss paid me what he owes me..."
The only reference to a birthday is Ian telling how during his last birthday party a friend of Perry made a mess in Ian's parents house and that got him kicked out and starting living with Perry. But Eva made some trading cards for the characters (I finally managed to find them!) in her Patreon and they include their zodiac signs:So far, the game has covered 4.5 months. In that time, we have witnessed two birthdays, Wade and Ivy. I wonder when the other characters' birthdays are.
- Ian and Mike are Libra, so their birthdays would be between September 23 - October 22. Latest date in game is second week of August, so it's not that far and will probably be included in the game.
- Lena is Aquarius, so her birthday would be between January 22 - February 19. Probably not relevant to the game.
- Perry, Emma and Cherry are Pisces, so his birthday would be between February 20 - March 20.
- Cindy and Robert are Scorpio, so her birthday would be between October 23 - November 22. Maybe we will see it in game.
- Holly is Virgo, so her birthday would be between 24 August - September 22. It should be close in game, but I don't remember any reference to it so far.
- Alison is Sagittarius, so her birthday would be between November 23 and December 21.
- Jeremy is Aries, so his birthday would be between March 21 - Abril 20.
- Louise is Cancer, so her birthday would be between June 21- July 22. So it already happened in game but nobody said anything IIRC.
- Axel and Jess are Gemini, so their birthdays would be between May 21 - June 20. Same as Louise's, they already happened in game.
- Seymour is Leo, so his birthday would be between July 23, August 23. It either already happened or is going to happen during next update, maybe it will coincide with his travel with Lena?.
I think something like that was mentioned but we don't see the actual dinner (yet?). If you want to double check, Ian gets a call from his dad on the first week of July on Tuesday. And then July week 2 is completely skipped over.
It was lunch and it happened behind the scenes the day after Ivy's birthday party. I think that Ian doesn't make any reference to it when talking to other characters. Probably just typical lunch with your parents, his dad with the "Are you winning, son?" and his mother not giving a fuck and just telling him about whatever travel or event she did.True, the event didn't happen and if it did, I'm afraid it was behind the scenes, which is quite disappointing. Who knows maybe eva forgot and will include it in the future..