I don't see it as a matter of trust. I think it's very unlikely that something happens with a SF sub, they are just wankers and simps. For me it would be a matter of possessiveness, for lack of a better word. I think OF/SF is a legitimate and even smart way for a girl to monetize simps, but I wouldn't date a girl with an account on it our would like an hypothetical daughter doing it. Kind of similar to my opinion on stripers.
Possessiveness is a better word. Given that Ian is set up from the beginning to not really care that Lena does nude modelling, him not caring about SF seems a natural extension to that.
I agree with what you say about you being burn out with poor Alison. Come on, even if you don't like her, Alison is clearly in love with Ian, she only uses Jeremy if Ian doesn't pay her attention.
Even before the burn out, I never got the "Ian is love of Alison's life" vibe. Alison likes him. She prefers him to Jeremy. She's had a mild crush on him for a long time. She's jealous of Lena. I would even say she's falling for him on her romantic route. I just don't see a level of investment on Alison's behalf that indicate strong feelings.
Perspective probably has a lot to do with it to. One thing that occurred to me is that perhaps the reason I find Wade and Perry more tolerable than many is that this update was the first I played. I suspect, if I had been playing this game for years and didn't get to see their character progression, I would likely find them far more insufferable. I also like hooking Emma and Perry up, so I experience happy Perry more often than throw-everyone-out-of-the-house Perry. Similarly with Alison, I often skip her trip to save money and eventually break up with her, so I tend to think of her rather mild reactions to those situations as indicators of her feelings.
Of course, I can be entirely wrong. That is an option that can never entirely be removed from the table.
The only reference to a birthday is Ian telling how during his last birthday party a friend of Perry made a mess in Ian's parents house and that got him kicked out and starting living with Perry. But Eva made some trading cards for the characters (I finally managed to find them!) in her Patreon and they include their zodiac signs:
- Ian and Mike are Libra, so their birthdays would be between September 23 - October 22. Latest date in game is second week of August, so it's not that far and will probably be included in the game.
- Lena is Aquarius, so her birthday would be between January 22 - February 19. Probably not relevant to the game.
- Perry, Emma and Cherry are Pisces, so his birthday would be between February 20 - March 20.
- Cindy and Robert are Scorpio, so her birthday would be between October 23 - November 22. Maybe we will see it in game.
- Holly is Virgo, so her birthday would be between 24 August - September 22. It should be close in game, but I don't remember any reference to it so far.
- Alison is Sagittarius, so her birthday would be between November 23 and December 21.
- Jeremy is Aries, so his birthday would be between March 21 - Abril 20.
- Louise is Cancer, so her birthday would be between June 21- July 22. So it already happened in game but nobody said anything IIRC.
- Axel and Jess are Gemini, so their birthdays would be between May 21 - June 20. Same as Louise's, they already happened in game.
- Seymour is Leo, so his birthday would be between July 23, August 23. It either already happened or is going to happen during next update, maybe it will coincide with his travel with Lena?.
Why I have a sneaking suspicion that Ian and Mike's birthdays will be on the same day and might cause drama? I imagine Holly's birthday will be a big event. Jeremy's birthday probably happened right before the game started. Louise's birthday may have happened after she moved back to her parents for the summer.
Oh, I did have one theory that would ultimately have little impact on the game. It occurred to me that Lena might be an affair baby and that her "step dad" is actually her bio father. Basically, Lena's mom had an affair with "step dad," and Lena was the result. "Dad" found out and left. Spike knows and blames all of them. Lena's mom feels guilty that Spike lost his dad so she goes out of her way to make it up to him. It would be a way to tie up Lena's family dynamic without resorting to the "deadbeat dad" and "rebellious loser brother" clichés. It wouldn't really change anything, but it would explain their dysfunction.