I think I prefer the narrow but deep approach, because no matter which route you pick, you're going to have quite a bit of content all around. In the shallow-wide example, there's always an issue where a certain path is preferred by the dev (or is most requested by patrons), and so it gets more content than the others. That discourages players from playing differently, and it serves to enforce a "canon" playthrough, but via gameplay rather than story, because nobody wants to play a game in such a way that gives you less content. It was an issue in GGGB, where bad Ash has MUCH more content available to her than the good Ash does. And eventually, it reaches the point where you're basically playing a kinetic novel with little to no interactivity, because all the content was made for another route, and you're just clicking through the dialogue to advance time until you reach another rare event that is available for you...
If ORS was to be the same way, if you, say, want to remain single (or save yourself for that one character that isn't available yet), then some days are just going to be skipped over, and out of 1 week, you'll have 1 or 2 playable days of content in comparison to a route where you're whoring both Ian and Lena out.