If you decide to sleep with axel is it possible to have a relationship with him where Lena isn't submissive towards him and he's not an asshole ?
no, besides a physical Chad he is an emotional Incel
so only way he can connect and establish a relationship is if becomes dominant in all forms.
he is too insecure to trust his heart to a woman.
especially a woman like my Lena that is a cheater and likes sex too much to put limits on herself!
not that it matters, he has suffered in the past
and thus is not willing to risk being cucked, thus he is available for sex but never for love!
he also doesn´t love Lena, he is just pissed cause Lena left him
and he clearly has abandonment issues, so it leads/turns into obsession not love!
even the Seymor intrusion means his self preservation instinct kicked in,
since he knows he might turn violent against any man Lena is close to,
so as to preserve his future plans he sets himself aside so as not to loose control!
Axel used to be me one or 2 decades ago
a perfect sculpted ideal of what women should want
but an injured soul that is slowly rotting away
i can see it on his emotional instability
and willingness to resort to violence by the mere mention of her!
he will eventually grow out of it,
but Lena will be 38 years old on the best of times and situations
since only time can mend a broken heart!