So, for the record. I think all of chapter 1 has been rewritten. On top of the changes to Ian's half of the story I've already mentioned in a previous post.
A small note, but if it was a rewrite then it was done years ago. The game played like that for me when i tried it for the first time (which was build 10.3 or so) and in fact, i had no idea any of that was at some point any different.
Ian wouldn't be able to compete if there was a conventionally normal male who is not a douche in Lena's backyard, let's be honest here.
is "conventionally normal male who is not a douche in Lena's backyard". I have no idea what is your mental image of such guy, if you think Ian wouldn't be able to compete effectively with himself. But suffice to say, it's likely quite exaggerated and far from "conventionally normal".
My bad, Ian is a multi-talented 26 year old literature magazine intern. We're gonna put it on his resume. But does he front a regionally successful Deftones cover band like the guy I just made up in my head? I don't think so.
Is that all it would take you to drop your knickers for a guy? "He plays covers in a local band"?
Man, groupies really are easy. No wonder even Perry could get some.
Incidentally, "fronts regionally successful cover band" is quite far from "conventionally normal". The conventionally normal don't front bands, and when they do it's normally not successful.
Most bands aren't.
I played a 100% pro-Axel route, and he seems to make amends to Lena somewhat. Not ideal perhaps, but the attraction to Axel is just way stronger than to the other LIs.
Lena's attraction is 100% driven by the player's choices. If you focus on Axel, she'll be crazy about Axel while if you give him a slip she won't warrant him a second thought. Same for Ian and Mike and Seymour. She can be head over heels for any of them.
So no, using this for reasoning that he is "the best option" is misguided. Any of her options is potentially "the best option" as far as Lena's attraction is concerned.