Planning a 'Sluts Apart' playthrough, where Ian and Lena never get committed to one another (at best, FWB, but maybe not even that).
For Ian:
Alison is a bit of a cockblocker. It's her or Cherry. I think you might be able to hit her up early or very late and also kick off Emma, but not sure about the early (ie. sleep with Alison first opportunity, but hit up Emma at Blazer). It's either Cindy or Holly, iirc, and Holly is hard to not try and girlfriend hard. Bad Jessica (not a huge fan of what's available so far). I don't know if Ian even flirts with Louise without Lena creating the 3some. Flirt with Ivy. Minerva. And potentially Lena, if it doesn't mess up the meta-playthrough. Is there anyone else?
Is it even possible to go Cherry=>Emma=>Cindy, backdoor into Alison through Jeremy? Maybe get a slutty Holly at the beach party, though Emma takes precedence...So for that, Alison=>Alison=>Cindy=>Holly?
For Lena:
Robert sucks, and there's competition between him and the M's and Ian, but otherwise there's a bit of juggling. Jeremy or not to Jeremy. Axel (blargh). Seymour, Stan, Louise, Ivy, Holly, and end run of Emma. (John and Jack, as alternates, I guess) Marcel if not Jeremy, but I think that's one scene. Plus Seymour vs. Stalkfalp/Billy. I usually try and leave Jeremy high and dry, so I guess leave him and Louise together, and do that whole branch. Is Mike or Mark any different, other than the 'other woman' aspect?
Big question, is it better/easier to keep Ian/Lena completely separate for this kind of run, or is FWB conceivable?
Am I missing any big factors?