I wonder how much we'll find out about Ivy's manipulations by game end? And also how many different paths she'll get. We haven't seen any evidence of a redemption/reformed/'good' path like Jess had in GGGB. I haven't had a playthrough where I really iced her out, but never really noticed a difference in the walkthrough.
On a slightly related note, is Seymour's threat about blacklisting Lena from the Wildcat's a bluff, or true? I've refused him on a Holly Trinity, but not an Axel one, so never checked.
I'm a bit impressed with Ian on my 'Sluts Apart' run, where he's bagged every girl (except Holly[also Ivy and Jess, but they're on the line], but she's on the slutty path so I may be able to get Emma to make room at the beach house), though he's now friendly exes with Lena, and he's only been with Alison twice. I honestly thought it was impossible, though I imagine Chapter 14 and beyond it'll start to get messy again.