e "We're not a \"couple\", if that's what you mean... At least, not in the traditional sense of the word."
$ flena = "n"
l "So you're in an open relationship?"
e "I don't know, I guess you could say that... I mean, grabbing coffee with one friend doesn't stop you from grabbing coffee with another on a different day, right?"
$ flena = "happy"
l "And by grabbing coffee, you mean fooling around..."
$ femma = "smile"
e "Well, maybe! That hasn't happened yet, though..."
$ flena = "n"
l "I'm just asking because Perry seems pretty smitten with you, and from what I know about him, he's quite the romantic."
$ femma = "n"
e "You're right. I guess things have changed, after all."
e "We still get along really well, that's still the same, and we've worked through what was making things weird between us. I suppose we'll figure out what it all means as we go."
l "So, you're not considering a traditional relationship?"
e "I don't know, I'm not one to plan things out too far ahead, you know..."
e "For now, I'm open to whatever happens! I wouldn't mind moving in together, for example, if the situation allows. Plus, it would help me financially..."
$ flena = "happy"
l "That sounds so cold!"
$ femma = "smile"
e "No, no! Honestly, I'm really happy we've broken down the wall that was keeping us apart."
e "Our relationship feels so much more natural now that we've been able to connect emotionally... and physically!"
$ flena = "smile"
l "I'm happy for you both. I don't think I've ever seen Perry this happy before!"