I'm starting to wonder what Ian will be doing next chapter. Lena will probably have most of her next chapter dedicated to Billy's event, so what is Ian going to be doing? Have we been given a date for his book contest? I know it's coming soon, so it feels most likely, but I was under the impression it was still a little ways off. Another MMA fight would be told to us before hand, surely? Especially since several characters mentioned being wanting to be present to cheer for Ian.
There can be some action at the new office, more development of Natalie and Clark. Minerva or Holly can swing by to visit for lunch or something. But I think he would still need another set piece besides the office, if that is the case. I suppose looking for a new place to live could be a possibility, regardless of Perry, but how to tie in a LI to that? Especially on a fuck boy or Lena only path. Going back to the Blazar with Jeremy, Cindy, Allison, or Emma perhaps? Cherry will probably be back next chapter too. A solo date with her, instead of with Allison involved?
Nothing wrong with a little low stakes, back to the early chapter situations, especially since Billy's event has a lot of craziness potential to it. I feel like we really need this update to get an understanding of what the future holds for Ian.