Now, I could relay the criticism to Eva and say that it's still not enough and that the players want an active option to educate Wade. One of two things can happen.
1) She might change the wording of the last option to be more defensive, but the thing is, it's harder to converge the dialogue into the same place as all other options do, because Wade might get angry and say something like "don't go all SJW on me, today I want to relax", potentially even resulting in -1 Wade point.
2) She might cut the conversation altogether again and not bother bringing it back or writing about these kinds of topics ever again because angering people is the last thing she wants to accomplish. And considering that it's exactly what she did the first time, that's the most likely outcome.
So, what should it be? Here's the moment of an absolute agency where you get to rewrite the script.
To be completely honest with you, there are probably someone better suited for suggesting a specific change, I don't actually involve myself in the defense of transgender issues that often, but I will bite anyway.
Just to be clear, my main point is the availability of choice, since my perspective comes not just from my sexuality but also that I studied games design in university and am a fan of branching narratives.
First, a question: Is there a limit to the amount of responses? I recall other sections of the game where there are more than three. Maybe Evakiss just decided she only wants three in that interaction and that's fine too, it's just to know the limits present. For what it's worth I don't actually have an issue myself with the responses that are already there. I would just add one more if that option is available.
I would do something simple and just have Ian say something along the lines of "
They aren't just porn," or "
It isn't just about porn," in the paraphrased choice, to which Ian will add "
they are (or "transgender persons are") people just like you and me," to the spoken line. To this Perry or Emma might add "
That's true" and Wade will respond with something along the lines of "whatever" or "that's not the point" or "no they aren't" whatever Eva thinks represents him better. I wouldn't mind Wade getting a -1 for an interaction like that either, I think it would only be realistic. I don't think people who picks the option to defend transgender care a lot about losing approval with a person seen as a bigot after all.
I don't think he has to take it as a personal attack any more than the response Ian has for defending it as a porn category though, the conversation doesn't
have to devolve into something else. If Wade just makes a non-caring response like "whatever," from there it can just connect to Perry's line about dickgirls being a cartoon porn category and the real world equivalent being transsexual.
There you go. Ian gets to speak his mind and the integrity of the exchange isn't made into a political debate. How's that?
What do you think of my suggestion
EDIT: Clarification, I wasn't aware Cindy could be present for that conversation myself either, so I am only talking about how the exchange plays out without her. Can someone tell me in a spoiler how, if at all, the conversation changes with her invovled?